


1 year, 8 months ago


I think the only thing I can do for now is continue to exist. And if I have to continue sinning to do so, I suppose there is no other option.


Born as an angel by the will of the Deity, Caleb is one of the angels of the Low Hierarchy. For years he fulfills his mission, working for his superiors and in the Sacred Library. However, one day he receives an order from the Deity theirself that gives him the opportunity to enter the world of humans to send messages from The Eternal Paradise.

With it Caleb rises in the hierarchy, but also descends into his own hell. Lust, love... A mysterious lady with red hair. The human world ends up contaminating him and with it comes his exile. When falls once again into the human world is no longer an angel, just a misshapen demon. Corrupted by his lust and forced to exist for all eternity, burdened with the need to satiate his sin. He now works to lead a "normal" life. And he no longer does it alone, by his side he has a dhampir who sometimes makes him feel welcomed again.


As an angel Caleb was a very curious and innocent being, with an interest in the world of humans and their customs. That's why when he worked in the library his favorite books to read were almost always the ones that talked about feats about humans.

He worked hard and very strangely he was distracted from his work. Despite his curiosity, she worked diligently and left his curiosity to his free moments. However, when he was sent to the human world to do his messenger work, this world consumed him.

His curiosity and his innocence were fueled by a beautiful woman he soon fell in love with. And with it a new feeling began to be born in which she controlled and burned. It wasn't just love, it was passion. Unbridled lust. So misguided from his path of peace, when he was expelled from heaven he had a great depression with severe suicide attempts that had no effect.

He is now a calm being, a bit silent and with great regret. He can't put his past behind him and he doesn't fight against it decisively either. With the disappearance of the love of his life and his work, his mood almost never improves. The only person who can sometimes make him smile is Miriam. Her warmth and closeness make him feel accepted and welcomed again. And maybe too, feel beloved.

Design notes

His design is based on a moth, taking inspiration from the mothman. His palette is dark and his anatomy is part humanoid and part animal. Due to his sin, lust, his eyes changed from green to red and his scars while in his demon form also take on a reddish color. His hands and feet have long nails and his ears, which were previously wings, have been transformed into something hybrid. Another detail is the hair on his neck, head and temples, surrounding his face until it is the only part with shorter hair on his body (besides others not shown here). His wings are quite large compared to his body and are useful. In his angel form he lacks ears and has wings, which out of respect for the deity remain in that submissive position of pray. Also his attire is humble and simple. The wings on his back were kept short at first, but due to his sins they ended up growing.


Lust Demon (Asmodianus)
Unknown (appears to be 30s)
182 cm
Civil status
Single/Interested on someone
Longer info here


  • Sunlight in his fur and face
  • Warm and quiet enviroments
  • The smell of freshly cooked food
  • Taking care of the sheeps
  • Being with Miriam


  • His work
  • Being who is now and his nature
  • Busy and noisy places
  • Snowy days


  • Walking in the hills
  • Collecting curious leaves
  • Breadmaking
  • Listening to music
  • Woodcarving
  • Reading


Born of the will of the Deity, Caleb was part of the lower hierarchy. He worked in the sacred library in charge of an Higher angel and in his spare time he sometimes read and other times explored in search of information from the world of humans. The exterior always attracted his attention from the beginning and therefore his curiosity only increased. One day he received one of the best news of his life. The Deity itself had indicated that Caleb could join a group of messengers who carried their word and good wishes to the world. He could not be happier with it and when he began his work there he did it with enthusiasm, although later everything changed.

The human world was a corrupt, dirty and dark one. In very few places could glimpse some light and purity. Disheartened to see that this was the reality, he was about to deny about his new job. But something lit his heart again. A beautiful red-haired woman taught him more about the world. She showed him how beautiful he could be, how many prospects he could have. And she also taught him a new feeling. Love.

Caleb at that time could not be happier. He had fallen in love and was working at the perfect place. But soon that love began to focus on something more physical. Lady Scarlett, that was her name, began to teach him new things. Things that made him feel good, feel pleasure and want much more. Things that made him kneel for it and with it sin more and more. His wings grew with the display of that sin and when he could hide it no longer he had an audience with the Deity theirselves. Seeing the size of his sin, expelled him and with it he could never return home. Outside, his body had transformed into a beast. The wings, the skin... Everything was horrendous. And his desires and sins were getting bigger and bigger.

With regret of who he was now he attempted to take his own life numerous times, isolating himself and waiting for death. But it was impossible. Demons don't die, they have to carry their weight of their sins for all eternity. So accepting that, he began to put together his own new life in that world. A cabin in the hills, a flock of sheeps and a job at Domus Voluptatum would allow him to continue his existence and earn some money to improve his quality of life.

And for a while his existence was like that. A quiet but lonely. However, one night on his way back to his house, he found a bloodied woman, who seemed to have been attacked by some beast. Without much thought he picked her up and took care of her, her company made him feel better for a while. Though he didn't expect her to be the one to ask him to stay there. At first he refused because of his nature, he was a demon. With a damaging power, but she didn't care. Being a dhampir she had nothing to lose or fear. So from that moment he had a friend, a person with whom to talk and feel comfortable. Someone who doesn't look at him like the demon he is, but with kind eyes that remind him of his home and the former love of his life. And sometimes he thinks that maybe with her he would have a chance in the future, but sometimes also denies it. Maybe he doesn't deserve it. The Deity expelled him from the Eternal Paradise so that he would suffer, not so that he would be happy again.


  • Caleb's wings are fully functional. Even though their size is larger than his body, he can fly with them. Although he doesn't usually use them because they occasionally hurt him later.
  • As an angel his wings were small, except when they grew due to his sin. However, these were not used to fly, but rather something symbolic. Angels can float naturally due to their light nature.
  • The scars that he caused in his suicide attempts were marked on his body forever. Staying red like his eyes.
  • According to the sin he commits as a demon, his eyes and more details are a color related to it. In this case Caleb committed the sin of lust, so his color is red.
  • Almost all of his body is covered in soft fur, on his face the fur is much shorter. But just as smooth.
  • As Asmodianus he has an special power that helps him commit his sins and continue to exist. His is a lustful aura. Whoever stays inside it will have great desires to have sex with him or simply satisfy his lust. The greater Caleb's need, the greater the area and effectiveness of his aura.
  • Some most sensitive body parts hide under the fur, being thicker in those areas.
  • The claws on his hands and feet never grow, but they can't be cut either. Its hardness can be compared to that of a diamond. That's why he use his nails to carve wood.
  • The first food he ate as a demon was bread, so one of his hobbies is making bread. It brings back good memories and is one of his favorite foods.
  • He doesn't like snowy days because his wings stiffen and hurt.