


1 year, 8 months ago


She/Her She's a demonic being but at the same time - she is possesd by a differnt demon! (The demon possesing her is of no kind type, it's a true feral beast!)

She's a huntress and loves spending time in nature, mostly observing animals. She's a passionate, strong and brave demon but she often tried to act as the 'typical rich girl' - twisting her hair while talking, trying to act as if she was thinking only about herself and had more money than she could count. That doesn't exacly work, and many see through her acts. Truth is, she is simply ashamed to be a huntress (which is a highly profitable job) but still living poorly.

She spend her whole childhood trying to grown up as fast as possible and get good at hunting. Hunting itself was a hobby that she shared with her dad, who loved it and would often take her with him. She had a knack for that, so she decided to go with it as much as she could. With how much work, time and sweat she put into it, it was a guarantee she would one day become someone amazing. Yet, some unexpected events stopped her from truly living a dream life. Her family was in many debts, that her dad and mom worked hard to pay off so their kids (her and her little brother) could live without worries, free. Sadly, they both died attacked by unfamous thiefs called Rotten Rats (a band of demonic rats whose morals are non-existient), leaving the two kids alone in the world. Being barely 14, she had to change her favorite hobby into profitable job as fast as possible - since the 'debt diggers' would not let any penny go missing, even in such case.

As she was 20 and was coming out of age, finally becoming an adult - she managed to get officialy recuited as a huntress (before, she was working many half-jobs which were also half-paid). One could say, it was a great start to those sibling's happy lifes... if the younger one didn't fall sick. Getting sick with Arasphasis, a curable but persistent and expensive in medicines diesese, that usually affects demons that ate a fruit containing a bacteria from Arachnidel kingdoom (where spiderlings and spider-demonic creatures dwelled). With not only debts but her brother's sickness to cure - the money she was earning started to barely cover those things. But they had to live, to survive. There was no way she would give up on her little brother.

Yet spending time with older hunters and huntresses, it was visible that they did not fret to flaunter their wealth. She couldn't allow herself for that, neither would she want, but the fact itself and their constant 'rich person' jokes, with time made her ashamed of her situation. Although that was no enough to break her spirit and make her give up, it always was a pain in the ass. One of the things that surely always cheered her up, was her brother smiling - this was something that always reminded her that she doesn't need to act, she can and should be herself, she shoulf show off not her money but her bravery and all the good in her... Even so, some things are always easier said than done and social interactions often pressure one to act fast.

More on her demon friend that possed her in the future
She always wears the same outfit since it's all she has. With time she started engraving or pinning in various flowers inside her cape to pretty it up and hide any inperfections. Although capes aren't so expensive, in case of this one it was simply special to her - it was after all a gift from her mother.