Eirwen Glace



1 year, 8 months ago


Wren had huge and difficult to achieve dreams. From a young age she has studied the stars and worlds beyond ours to get some semblance of understanding. Her parents had always encouraged this love. They sent her to summer camps and special classes that taught her the physics and math behind some of the universe's greatest mysteries. She learned about the Rovers that went to mars and the probes they sent out into the unknown. She watched as images from Hubble began to circulate around the scientific community and the wonders that went into colorizing them. There was no mistaking her love for the space beyond ours, and so it was on good fortune that she was able to go on a zero-g air flight thanks to the generosity of a scholarship from her college.

She swam through the air in zero gravity, and every second was an amazing experience. One that she dreamed could continue forever, and thus her true dream was realized. She dreams to one day go to the International Space Station. From there, a Moon walk on the colony that is sure to appear in the coming decades. From there? A trip to Mars, and maybe even beyond. She dreams of the places beyond the stars, and so works on the crew of the James Webber Telescope development team and waits for every little glance she can get from the deep space field. Maybe, one day, she will get to be in one of those images.