Twilight Realm



6 years, 7 months ago


The Twilight Realm is the fault between both the Nightopian and Nightmare Realm, it is a third Realm that splits the two as the border.

It is a realm of eternal night that is lit by the moon and stars. Few know of this Realm and even fewer have seen it in person. As the realm itself is, in fact, one that resides within a different dimension separate to that of the Dream Realm. This realm contains more or less of the forgotten dreams of humans as well as being the realm where those of the older centuries reside when Nightmare was created. It is a realm where those who could not fight the darkness are rescued by the caretakers if deemed worthy.

When the Dream Realm was first created, there was peace but for a century in Nightopia before Wizeman was created. Granted, there were nightmares, but they were not as devious and troublesome as the ones seen today. If anything, Wizeman was once a simple being of simple needs in Nightopia that dabbled in the darker arts of nightmares and ended up becoming consumed by them and their sins. During this, the Dark Ages began, and nightopia was put on the brink of war against the god until those who could no longer fight, fled into the Twilight Realm. The Twilight Realm had long since existed since the beginning of time, just as Nightopia had, but only now did it serve a purpose to those that seek its doors for safety.

Strangely enough the Nightmare God was unable to devour Nightopia as he had so desired. This was because of Malana, the moon god that overlooked the Dream Realm. They had weakened the god, and cursed them to the shadows of Nightmare, where they could do no greater harm to nightopia for the time being. Still, through time Wizeman persisted, created nightmaren, and continued his control over the Dream Realm as his greed knows no bounds. Malana's light is all that keeps the God's wrath at bay and created Twilight to keep its children safe.

The only way to reach this realm is through the door that only a particular dreamer can provide entry to.


The only way to gain entry to this door is if you have been given permission by the deities that guard it. You must also have the chosen Ideya in order to unlock the door.

Being inside The Realm of Twilight is certainly different, for one, there is no sun, only the moon, casting the world in an eternal night. There is also all kinds of wildlife, and flora that thrives here, as well as scattered abandoned ruins.

The caretakers of this land can be found all over the place. But the main overseers who created the place can be found near where the door is.
Starlight and Starnight