


6 years, 2 months ago


Name: Scarlet Wing

Age: ??

Gender: Female

Species: Demon from another dimension

Family: Broken, Golden, Jay

Pero: Scarlet  is quite nice around her friends, though due to the nature of how she was raised she has a very dark side, and can be quite cruel to others.

Bio: Scarlet  was raised with her sister Golden in another dimension, where they had to fight quite hard to survive.  She has been in many battles, and is quite fierce.  One day Scarlet had been flying along scouting out her sister, when suddenly a large portal popped into existance and Scarlet got sucked through.  She found herself in a dumpster.  When she couldn't find a way back through, she climbed out of the dumpster and found her way into the building it was next to through a window.  Scarlet took up residence there, living in the building's cieling and sleeping during the day, only coming out at night.

Description: A somewhat large, dark grey shorthair feline with a black tail and underbelly.   She has a small red fringe that lays in the middle of her face, and bat-like wings.