ginger ale's Comments

May I claim them for the sake of utilizing them for a story of mine? I am willing to provide a bio if such is necessary.

please tell the bio, its wta 

This is incredibly brief in nature.

Name: Ginger Ale

Gender: Biologically Female (She/they).

Species: Shark Cat.

Backstory: Ginger Ale was born to Dew and Mr. Pibb's union alongside a litter of siblings denoted as Pepper, Sprite, Cola, and Fanta within the confines of a national park upon the cusp of Phaneuf, a thick woodlands housing Dog and Wolf sharks, their named derived from that of their families tradition in lingering domestication. When she reached the age of seventeen moons, they decided to depart from their parents and siblings and strive her own path within the world, approaching a wolfshark known as Thore within said travels suceeding a near-death encounter with another without name. The two quickly grew close.

Currently, she travels much with Thore, allowing him to teach them much of the world as well as enjoying his company.

funkylynx. Apologies if the ping is undue.