Gingerbread (X-Mas 2017)



6 years, 4 months ago



My surprise Gingerbread Kitmas gram that was opened during the holidays, Winter 2017.

No bio on this one. Maybe in future.

On Kitsouls Official DA Page


Species Lore

Kitsouls are strange crosses between a wolf and horse, they have heavy connection to the constellations. They are about the size of a fox and very light on there feet. There are wonderful at hunting and enjoy bringing little gifts home to there owners.

They are masters of magic and use telepathy to carry large objects and communicate with humans. To speak with other Kitsouls they mostly use body language and barking.

There tails are prehensile and are offend used to carry there more precious items, such as shiny trinkets, fresh kill, young pups and gifts for a mate.

There diet is manly carnivores, but they will eat berries and roots in a pinch. Kitsouls only eat grass to clear an upset stomach.



Get your own Kitsoul here: DeviantArt or Furvilla

Kitsouls are a closed species by: 

satintheunicorn (on Furvilla ID# 77151) a.k.a ElaryWakefield (on DeviantArt) (Owner)

AllThingsBright (on Furvilla ID# 95066) a.k.a AllBrighty (on DeviantArt) (Colorist)

pyon (on Furvilla ID# 67906) (Inactive) (Colorist)

Abaddon (on Furvilla ID# 92138) & on here (Toyhouse) a.k.a. Abaddonsu (on DeviantArt)(Artist)

CrumpetNCompany (on DeviantArt)

with the help of their DA updater:

Acrilli (on Furvilla ID# 67915)