Basic Info

Full name

Ephraim Buchanan Curtis the fourth but he goes by Kooper


Black footed ferret






NOTE: This character is INSPIRED by a character from media. They are not supposed to be them. They are an original character with inspiration from media NOT AN AU.

-huge Archie comics fan, he has a pin of Jughead’s hat on his beanie
-shipped with Lizzy
- Jolie is his best friend, they are actually exes but stayed best friends and have deep caring for one another

Lone photographer who loves photographing mysterious things. He loves strange people, psychology, abandoned places, detective work, and dumpster dives for fun. He collects strange trash found in the side of the road. Kooper sees value in everything and loves to ponder the history of everything. He goes to Caravan Arts School for literature and writing and is best friends with people on the school news crew.

He is a part of a greaser kinda gang called The Black Vultures, enemy gang of The Reapers. The Vultures just want to stand up for people in Fargo’s community