✧ Igarashi Yakuma



1 year, 8 months ago


Igarashi 𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐦𝐚
五十嵐 夜琥馬
Takahiro Sakurai
Mika and Ritsu !!


INTP • 4w3 • Trustable • Cozy

Yakuma is the guy that everyone in the Ensemble Square loves and admires, he has been working really hard for that to be true. Hes trustworthy, inteligent, has any kind of advice and is always there to listen to you, you could say hes 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭.

Perfect? no, theres no way something like that is possible, let me reword that. Yakuma is a guy who has been abandoned multiple times and never got the chance to 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 anyone, hes been overworking himself for years to try to get a bit of affection out of anyone, but its never enough. Hes a compulsive liar, always pulling strings behind everything, and he will take advantage of you if you trust him. I.. 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 recommend getting close to him.


  • Animals
  • Emotions
  • Coffee
  • Winter
  • Silence


  • he doesnt dislike
  • anything at all !
  • hes weirdly interested in
  • basically everything
"Oh~? you needed my help again? dont worry, ill listen to everything you want to say~"


Yakuma has never really been a talented guy, he was just someone else, who overworked himself for his parents since he has memory. Born in the prestigious Igarashi family, he was raised in complicated circumstances. His mother didn’t treat him badly, she wouldn’t pay attention to him or stop his dad’s actions, but apart from that she wouldn’t say anything bad or put a finger on him, however, his dad was someone who really made his childhood a horrible experience, mainly abusing him verbally but also keeping him on line by physical violence. Whenever Yakuma behaved in a different way his parents told him, he would have a very cruel punishment, and that gave him the habit of exploiting himself until everything he does is perfect with no exceptions, having such a limited childhood also made him start stopping himself from having any type of feeling, everyone who knew him during those years will remember him as someone cold, unsympathetic and without own thoughts or opinions. It went like that until around his 10th birthday, where his parents both were murdered by someone who never got caught, the rumors started running, and while the majority of the public didn’t have a clear main suspect, the people around Yakuma started saying he was the one who killed them, he stopped receiving insults from his dad to start receiving horrible accusations from everyone in his orphanage, as well as everyone now calling him scary and not trusting him because of the accusations, his incapacity of having any feeling, and because of his teeth and smile.

He decided to try and understand everyone’s feelings, developing a weird interest on that, pushing him to want to become someone who could make people feel and have lots of reactions he could enjoy and analyze, when he turned 14 he discovered the existence of idols, found out about Yumenosaki and decided to put his whole enthusiasm and free time into trying to become one, and he was able to! Joining Yumenosaki when he turned 15 and getting pretty popular since he first got there, not losing his popularity until nowadays. Not much people are aware of his past, he tries his best to hide it. About if he was the one who killed his parents or not? We will never know, but he genuinely looks hurt whenever someone brings up the theme.


• Height: 194 cm

• Weight: 67 kg

• Pointy teeth! Hides them behind his mask. (Not optional, hes insecure about them)

• His left eye is blind!

• His arms are covered on scars! (hes also insecure about them, thats why he hides them with bandages whenever hes wearing a short sleeved shirt!!)

• His image color is #E2F8CE.


• His main hobby is cooking! though he barely does it anymore because he spends all of his time on practice.

• His dad is the reason behind his blind eye and scars, thats why hes insecure about them.

• He bites the inside of his cheeks and the skin around his fingers, hes not really sure when he got that habit, but he finds himself doing it really often.

• He pulls his hair up because he wants to show off his white roots; it gives him the feeling that he changed/is changing from how he was before, his dad used to have green hair too so he wants to be as different as possible from him without dying his hair because it could damage it.

• He still struggles to identify what hes feeling and if hes having any emotion or faking it for his public image.




Yakumas rival? Yakumas romantic interest? theyre not even sure themselves...



Close friend of him. Fuzen often flirts with Yakuma (not really having any romantic intention.. Fuzen is just like that) even if they both have their own partners, Yakuma usually ignores him but hes not really upset by it, he loves Fuzen and appreciates having him in his life.



One of Yakumas closest friends, they met because Fuzen introduced them to eachother and since then they spend a lot of time together, Kaichi always takes care of Yakuma and scolds him when he skips any meal or sleeps less than what he should. Yakuma really appreciates Kaichi and wishes he could do more for him.



Knows Yakuma since they were 10, they went to the same orphanage, and because of this reason Yakuma is really aggressive towards them. He doesnt want to get involved with people who knew him in the past, and he doesnt want them to feel any kind of guilt for him ''Akimi is irritating and annoying. I wish they could leave me alone''

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