


1 year, 6 months ago



Species: owlk

Gender: genderless (they/she)

Age: young adult

Height: 220 cm

Status: deceased; out of simulation

Personality: aloof, insecure, curious, sensitive


- Outer Wilds oc! SPOILERS below!!

- Preferring time alone around nature over with other owlks, the destruction of their home moon deeply affected Kurokawa; being forced to leave it all behind and be more social once inside the Stranger

- Their fascination towards nature also included the Eye of the Universe, and although they still feared it like the rest of their kind, they were especially sad about not being able to comprehend it

- Fortunately upon entering the simulation later on, Kuro got to be closer with nature again and go back to their previous lifestyle. Despite this, they never managed to fully recover and be the same again

- She would often hang out with Uzuri, her closest thing to a friend, whose sudden absence from the simulation became her breaking point: Kurokawa decided to take her artifact and walk into the river, ending it for good; their real body being long dead by then

- She's a good climber and is often up in the trees

- Instead of an elk, she sounds more like a loon. Has a beautiful singing voice but will never use it around others

- Unironically, their name is Japanese for "dark river"

- Rather short in height, and a lean build. Features are overall soft

- The eyes reflect light