
1 year, 8 months ago


"take my brain, or what remains, throw it all away cause I've grown tired of this body."

syren mycelia

500 yrs old

october 7

male (he/him)




dead matter

nature oriented

Syren is weak, sluggish, and usually brain-dead, but also really hostile and dangerous. He has a disease that seems very similar to chronic wasting disease and rabies and he has the ability to curse others with it. yikes. He will also most likely attack anyone who encounters him since he sees almost everyone as a threat.

But asides from that, Syren is important for decaying dead matter in the dead forest and keeping the growth of mushrooms.



  • carrions
  • dead plants
  • dead trees
  • the dark
  • damp conditions


  • his sickness
  • himself
  • lime
  • village folks
  • tba


HEALTH [30%]
SPEED [20%]

Syren wasn't always sickly. Before he got the disease, his name was Kinoko. When Phasmo killed a forest Kinoko lived in, Syren's disease became evident and he started to become weak and aggressive. When he had a run-in with Hawthorne, the deerfox of plant growth and soil, and Willow, the deerfox of life, he wasn't in a stable state and he bit Hawthorne and cursed her to become the deerfox of famine, her name being Erysich now. Syren regrets what he's done to Erysich and wishes he hadn't cursed them.

As time went on, he got a little used to his disease and was able to handle it better. Still not the greatest, though.



A skinny, dull and brown deerfox with ragged fur, droopy ears, and blind white eyes. He has moss growing on his tail, neck, and back. Many mushroom species can be seen growing on the mosses and also on his antlers. He has a mushroom marking on his chest and his ribs can be seen.


- syren doesn't speak often but when he does, his voice is deep, hoarse, and quiet.

- you can draw more mushroom species on him or change the mushrooms in his design, but bioluminescent mushrooms are super rare to see growing on him, so avoid drawing them!

How does your character manage relationships in general? Are they all the same, are there exceptions? Exclusions?

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syren's memory of erysich is fuzzy since he's mostly brain-dead, but he does remember cursing them and the thought gives him fear and regret.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ullamcorper justo ut diam cursus, faucibus tempor tortor dignissim. Pellentesque placerat, est non porta tempus, lacus ipsum interdum massa, vel ultricies nisi purus pellentesque leo. Nulla vitae nulla eu magna convallis dapibus sit amet in ante. Morbi in elit eu sem accumsan laoreet vitae in ex.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ullamcorper justo ut diam cursus, faucibus tempor tortor dignissim. Pellentesque placerat, est non porta tempus, lacus ipsum interdum massa, vel ultricies nisi purus pellentesque leo. Nulla vitae nulla eu magna convallis dapibus sit amet in ante. Morbi in elit eu sem accumsan laoreet vitae in ex.

Deerfox of Mushrooms and Decay

Deerfox of Mushrooms and Decay