Marshall Hobbes



1 year, 8 months ago


Marshall Hobbes was a human mechanic from the 25th century that traveled with the Eighth and Ninth incarnations of the Doctor, along with Charley Pollard and Rose Tyler. He joined the Doctor to find his missing friend, later revealed to have traveled with the First Doctor

Table of Contents
1. Biography (WIP)     
1.1. Early Life
1.2. Military Service
1.3. With the Eighth Doctor
1.4. The Time Vortex
1.5. With the Ninth Doctor
1.6. Life after the Doctor
2. Psychological Profile
2.1. Personality (WIP)
2.2. Habits and quirks
2.3. Skills
3. Appearance       
3.1. Clothing 
3.1.1 Main attire
3.1.2 Other clothes
4. Trivia

Biography (WIP)

Early Life

Marshall was born to a middle-upper class family on June 15th in Liverpool, some time in the 25th century. As an only child, he was spoiled by his parents, who both were former soldiers for the Earth's United army. Even before he could read, Marshall would page through books as if he could. As he grew up, he learned everything he could about technology and mechanics, often taking his toys apart to see just what made them work. He also grew into a bad habit of getting rather nasty when anything made him mad. When he was about 5, he broke a window when extremely upset, only to instantly snap out of it due to regret. These blind rages cost him friends, so he was a rather lonely child. This habit would never leave him, and ended up getting him into one of the worst situations of his life. 

At 15, Marshall got in an argument with a classmate at school, which led to a fist-fight that ended up outside of school grounds. His classmate forfeited, but Marshall pursued him to a riverbank, where his peer fell and cracked his head open on a rock. Upon the sight of blood, Marshall rushed him to a hospital, but he died soon after. Marshall dropped out of school 2 weeks later, never to return. He became a quiet shell of his former self for some time after this, regretting what he had done to cause his classmate's death. Imposing isolation on himself, he devoted most of his time to learning more about mechanics and engineering. He gained a love for fixing things in this time, hoping deep down that he could maybe do some good to make up for what he'd done. 

Seeing their son decay in this way hurt his parents, who forced Marshall to apply for some sort of university when he was 18. He applied everywhere outside of Liverpool that he could, eventually attending a school in Manchester for 2 years. Back in school for the first time in 3 years, Marshall felt completely out of his depth. He suffered multiple breakdowns in his first year, but never sought help or talked about it, not wanting to worry those around him or his parents. After his second year, he transferred to a school in London that had a program involving flight and space travel. Marshall developed fascination for flying machines, and wanted to make some of his own. He eventually graduated from university with a degree in aerospace engineering. 

Military Service

After university, Marshall drifted from job to job for roughly 2 years. Reaching a dead end with what he wanted to do, he did the unthinkable...and applied to the Earth's military. While he had never been a big fan of the military, he thought that working with single-pilot spacecrafts would be a perfect fit for him. He was accepted, as the military was desperate for anyone that knew their way around any sort of engineering. He was in training for 11 weeks before being sent to a base in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was in advanced training for both aviation and engineering. He would later regard his training as "the closest thing to Hell on Earth," as he was never very physically active.  

In Edinburgh, most of the people around him were fellow engineers, but connections didn't come easy to Marshall due to his past. He made friends, but was never extremely close with any of them. While others regarded him as slightly strange due to his distance, he simultaneously began to be recognized as a skilled mechanic, repairing spacecraft and aircraft with relative ease. When he was 23, he was relocated from Edinburgh to Sussex with a recommendation from his commanding officer. 

His position in Sussex put him in contact with pilots who saw active duty, though he himself never saw battle. He repaired their spacecrafts and provided support for 4 years, continuing the same pattern of self-imposed distance. This pattern would be broken not long after his arrival--5 months, to be precise. While fixing a new pilot's spacecraft, his left ring finger was caught in the machinery and torn off. The pilot, a kind man named Steven Taylor, rushed him to medical staff, and didn't leave his side as he was being tended to. A week later at a party, Marshall almost threw up on him. They became friends quickly. 

Being friends with Steven changed Marshall for the better. He was happier being close to someone than he ever had been all by himself, which led him to becoming more outgoing and cheerful with others. His feelings for the other man slowly shifted into something more romantic, but he never wanted to act on it, desperate to keep their relationship strictly platonic. 

After 3 years of friendship and working together, Steven disappeared while on duty. Fellow soldiers at the base either regarded him as dead or a deserter, and Marshall felt smothered by their pity. He spiraled, performing poorly at his job and in his friendships, and began to re-experience the blind rages from his childhood. Despite this, he was never removed from the base. Desperate to pull himself out of this state, Marshall began to theorize about his friend's situation. It was rocky at first, but he led himself to believe that he wasn't dead nor a deserter, but rather an unfortunate crash victim. His insistence of Steven's survival began to wear others down as time went on, leading those on base to regard him as a brilliant, yet terribly sad man. 

With the Eighth Doctor

A year later, a strange blue box appeared on base. Two people would emerge: a strange, Victorian looking man calling himself the Doctor, and a young woman named Charley Pollard. Shortly after, an attack on the base by the long-thought-to-be-dead Daleks would begin. Marshall managed to escape the initial onslaught by hiding in a locker, as Daleks didn't have arms and could not open it. He accidentally locked himself in, but was released an hour later by the Doctor, who had been separated from Charley. He assisted the Doctor by taking him around the base through passages that were unknown to the Daleks, and got along surprisingly well with the man. Under a surprise attack by a lone Dalek, Marshall managed to subdue it and attempted to rewire its insides. It didn't work, as Daleks were living things, but it helped him understand how they functioned. Rejoined by Charley, the Doctor intimidated the Daleks into retreating, but had Marshall sabotage the ship they arrived on, causing it to explode in the Earth's atmosphere. (AUDIO: The Dalek Takeover) After this, Marshall approached the travelers and asked to join them. He figured that he had nothing and nobody left, and that no one would particularly miss him. The Doctor and Charley welcomed him aboard the TARDIS.

The TARDIS crew landed in Regency England for their next adventure, and took upon themselves the task of curbing a flu epidemic. Marshall and the Doctor had a massive argument about how to help one patient, which led to Marshall lashing out physically, shoving the Doctor into a wall. He then broke down quickly, begging the Doctor for forgiveness, which he was immediately given. (PROSE: Pathogen) 

On an unnamed planet, the crew of the TARDIS visited a town in the throes of an undead uprising. Over the course of a month, they figured out that there was a severe chemical imbalance where bodies were being buried that was bringing people back. After a series of events, the Doctor eventually realized that the problem was unsolvable, at least without spending a lifetime there, something that neither Charley nor Marshall had, so the crew was forced to give up and move on. (AUDIO: Blood Moon

Next, they would land in a small farming town in Washington state in the early 2000s, in the middle of a quaint valley. 

Psychological Profile (WIP)


Habits and Quirks



Marshall was a young white man with curly blonde hair and light brown eyes. While with the Eighth Doctor, his hair was typically worn in a mullet style, incredibly out of date for the time he was from. He was missing one of his top left teeth, his lateral incisor specifically, and had dimples when he smiled. Charley Pollard once regarded that he looked nervous most of the time. He was also missing his left ring finger, due to an accident during his time in the Earth's United Military. He was roughly 6'1". 

While with the Ninth Doctor, he appeared 20 years older than he was due to his experience with the Time Vortex. His hair reached his shoulders, and had begun to go gray at the roots. He had stubble, though not extremely visible. 


Main Attire 

With the Eighth Doctor, Marshall was commonly seen wearing a green sweater and brown pants, along with a navy blue jacket. He wore a bolt that he pulled from a spacecraft on a chain around his neck. He also wore brown leather work-boots

With the Ninth Doctor, Marshall commonly wore a green turtleneck tucked into black, flared pants, as well as donning pointy black boots. He still wore his bolt necklace. 

Other Clothes

In various stories, Marshall wore an assortment of clothing. In his 20's, he stuck to layered outfits involving green tones. During the story In Absentia, he wore a gray, long-sleeved shirt with flannel pants as pajamas. In his "40's", he abandoned the layered look for more form-fitting clothing. During his departure from the TARDIS, he wore an old pilot's jacket. 


  • Marshall was originally intended to be a companion to the 5th and 8th Doctors. This was changed after I started watching the 2005 reboot. 
  • His associated tarot card is The Tower Upright