Farley Hazelvale



1 year, 8 months ago


Farley Hazelvale


orientationno label
birthdayaugust 26



Farley is an intelligent and observant woman who has long held a special affection for pollinator insects. She works as an entomologist, but is also a loving mother to her daughter, Kinsey, and loving wife to Elisatra. She is very concerned about the safety of her family and perhaps at times overly defensive of them, more than willing to face down anyone who might stand between her and her family. She is, admittedly, a capable figher, even if she does try to seek peaceful resolutions to problems most of the time.


Farley is a noblewoman by birth, although her elder brother is set to be the sole inheritor of her family estate, which she doesn't mind. She grew up more interested in spending time with the groundskeepers and helping them with gardening than any sort of formal etiquette. She excelled in school, and after a basic education, she sought a degree in the natural sciences. It was here that she met Calder Linwood, who quickly became her boyfriend and soon after, her husband. They both bonded over their shared introversion and love of insects, and after gaining their degrees, they both lived happily for a time.

After Farley unintentionally became pregnant, Calder got cold feet about becoming a father and ended up fleeing the country, never to be seen again. One of Farley's friends, Elisatra, stepped in to take care of her throughout the pregnancy, and the two fell in love, and ended up raising the child together. They wed when Kinsey was two years old, and have been together since.


buildshort, plus size
ethnicityechillian human
haircurly, blonde
eyesbluish green

Farley is a short, plump woman with heavily freckled skin, bluish green eyes, and curly blonde hair. She has round brown spectacles which are a light prescription. Her facial features are round and soft, though worn by age and worry. Her hair is long enough to reach her shoulder blades and is partially tied up into a small bun over the rest of her hair. Her clothes are refined, but still comfortable and functional for her.


Elisatra Hazelvale
Farley's wife, who absolutely adores her, and she adores in turn. They are prone to affectionate bickering and disagreements, but they love each other dearly.
Kinsey Hazelvale
Kinsey is Farley's only child, and Farley is fiercely protective of them. She is immensely proud of Kinsey's accomplishments, and encourages her to follow her dreams, even if her dreams of becoming an archmage are terrifying to her as a mother.
Calder Linwood
Calder is Farley's ex-husband, who she once felt much affection for. After 15 years of his absence, though, her affections have faded almost entirely.

"I'm going to kill that stupid sorcerer."


Farley is actually a Barbarian and fully capable of wielding a sword to defend herself.
Farley enjoys knitting and gardening. She sometimes jokes that she has been an old woman since the age of 10.
Farley keeps several bugs in small tanks. She has a tank of fainting beetles, a tarantula, a preying mantis, and an ant colony, which she takes care of very enthusiastically.


elise's cooking
cheesy romance novels


the anamora magic council
sour candy