Siyrus of Anithis



1 year, 8 months ago


Name: Siyrus
-Pronounced as- Cyrus
Title: Prince Siyrus of Anithis
            -Though his Country is long gone by now
            -He doesn’t tend to tell people he was a prince

Age: ???
He’s hundreds of years old, possibly even over 1,000, he doesn’t know how long he’s been around for, he really didn’t keep up with humanity and time for a long while
Turned: 48

Species: Vampire [Ex-human]
Unique Features:
-Small curved horns
-Pointed ears
-Other ‘generic’ vampire traits

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / It / They
Sexuality: Bisexual
            -Though only seems to pursue any form of serious relationship with other men

Languages: German & English
            -Anithis used an old version of German, so it’s sort of his mental default.

Siyrus holds himself to be very proper, what one would consider the stereotypical old vampire, not something downright scary or dangerous, but rather overly formal and a little unnerving within that. Despite his seemingly old-fashioned way, he has learnt to embrace change, especially changes for the better, he misses the sunlight and yearns for company. Though making friends is hard for him, he finds he doesn’t match many other vampires, and the short lives of humans saddens him. It tries to remain friendly to those he meets, especially if they are friendly to him; he just never really wants it to go further than friendly.

-His horns are not a trait of being a vampire, but simply being an ancient human [well ex-human] they grew out slowly over a couple of decades, they’ve not any further since.
-The ‘blushing’ under his eyes, nose, ends of his ears, fingers and horns is not optional, a form of blood marking it has.
-He loves to wear make-up , especially with all the types available in the modern world.

Prince Siyrus of Anithis had ruled for most of his adult life despite never being crowned king, his father preferring the frivolous side of ruling, leaving the actual ruling to his eldest son Siyrus. It enjoyed ruling, sorting things out, paperwork was his friend – it was one of his only friends. Siyrus’ rule left him little time to socialise and no one wished to wed the ruler who wasn’t actually, there was no benefit for them and it wasn’t even like he was around to make it emotionally worth it.
That is until one day a stranger to the land swooped in and stole Siyrus’ heart.
Siyrus paid no heed to the fact they only met at night, it was when he was the least weighed down with paperwork as well, it made more sense to him that they chose these hours as it worked best for the prince, them being a creature of the night wasn’t really where his head first went.
The two courted for quite some time, but the other never wanted to go further than this with Siyrus, which upset him but he understood, he never pushed them to meet during the day and with the late hour he never questioned why they didn’t eat food together. His partner began to grow worried that his human would die and they would be left alone again in the world, it told him of it’s true nature. Siyrus was in love and knew he could still carry out his duty with the negatives of a vampire so agreed.
The two remained together for the next 10 years, his kingdom was not informed that it was vampirism that he was inflicted but rather it was a gift so he could continue serving them. He nearly left when his father died and discovered his younger brother inherited the crown, and he wanted Siyrus to continue doing the hard work. Upset, he did however continue to do it because it was all he knew.
That was until his partner was killed, a slayer connected to the country that had just joined forces with their own, he was heartbroken and fled, worried that the same would happen to him. It never stepped foot back in Anithis while it still existed.

Other Notes:
-Unlike many assume, he does enjoy and tries to keep up with more modern developments – the old man likes to play pokemon and listen to podcasts. He doesn’t just stick to the more ‘vampiric’ hobbies of opera and plays, though it does enjoy them.
-His name has changed over the years, he’ll be honest he can’t remember the one he was born with.
-Tends to keep pet birds, he has a small long held family line of crows, these corvids are identifiable by their incredibly knack of speaking English and upholding conversations with humans.
-Begrudgingly has a familiar, her names Annabell and she assigned herself the role.