


6 years, 4 months ago


-she grew up in a small rural town, sweetheart of the town, all the boys loved her

-was very modest without being a prude; literally the kindest gal you would ever meet

-has the prettiest smile you've ever seen

-she loves flowers and animals and anything soft

-geese are her favorite !!!

-as are daisys

-she also LOVES kids. she used to babysit constantly back home, and even now she babysits for her friends who have kids. if she could spend the rest of her years with kids she'd be so happy

-her major is in early childhood education with a minor in french

-her favorite place in the entire world is france

-she also has a small interest in biology? she just loves seeing kids faces light up when they hear about metamorphosis for the first time

-frequents libraries and thrift stores

-definitely has a boho type style

-flower crowns everywhere

-listens to the beatles too much

-loves her record player

-loves old book smells

-personality wise, she is kind, caring, soft and sweet, but can also be shy, clingy, overbearing, and depressive

-struggles with depression, frequently gets sad for no reason. her friends can tell when its getting bad again because she stops going outside as often

-doodles butterflies everywhere

-spends almost all her time outside if its sunny. hates the rain (it makes her sad)

-growing up she had a bunch of older brothers, and she was one of the youngest (the only sister.) was fiercely protected by her siblings and her dad.

-analeigh and her mom are best friends. they absolutely adore one another. they cook together constantly (her dad was a farmer, her mother a baker)

-has a slight accent, which embarrasses her when people call her out for it.

-writes letters to her friends when they're sad

-has a small collection of ceramic frogs (based off her mom's favorite animal, frogs!)

-keeps everything tidy but not in a neat freak way

-cries,,,,,often. at everything. books, movies, a really pretty sunset--it's like everything she sees she's experiencing for the first time. it's all so beautiful to her

-definitely a morning person

-she sings very well but gets embarrassed about it. she's a soprano!

-gets sleepy very easily. takes naps in small places

-on the downlow is still heartbroken by her first love, aleyx, her highschool sweetheart who left her when they went to different placesĀ 

-braids her friends hair for fun.

-verified mom friend

-has a very close knit girl group who she loves. they go out for coffee often

-she takes her coffee with 2 creams and 3 sugars. she hates tea