Codi Berry



1 year, 11 months ago


trans man
28 y/o
born July 5th



City life had never suited Codi, although he didn't spend very long trying to make it work. He only ever left the rural town of Wakefield to attend a trade school, where he met Taylor. They tried for a few years to make a relationship work, having their son, Avery, in the process, but ended up mutually deciding to attend the relationship. Taylor gained primary custody, with Codi visiting every chance he got. Still, he had a good life in Wakefield, working as the town's resident handyman, helping out wherever he could. He was wary when the Wakefield Revitalization Project rolled into town. Especially when one of its members, Berkshire, ended up moving into the same shared estate as Codi... if this wasn't a horror game, this would be some Hallmark bullshit.


personality. dependable / unconfrontational / people-pleasing

Codi tries his best to be helpful, always quick to offer help, and even quicker to do whatever's been asked of him. He likes making others happy, and will take on more work than he should in hopes of being useful. He's friendly to everyone, although he can definitely be somewhat cold to those he doesn't like. Even so, he'll always come when called, and tends to hang out in communal areas of the estate, just in case anyone needs him for anything.




likes building objects, reading, gardening, cooking, flower arranging
dislikes crowded spaces, the big city, technology, vermin, getting into arguments

can you keep a secret? i wish i existed, i've always been dead.


  • Codi died via carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to fix his truck.
  • His favorite genre of novel is romance
  • He tried to live in the city for Taylor, but quickly realized it wasn't for him. Their relationship became on/off long distance for a bit, but when Avery came into the picture, they decided to stop trying to make it work, so he could have a stable upbringing.
  • He would've eventually gotten along with Berkshire, if they lived. They kept showing up at the same places because of their respective jobs, which I think would've eventually led to some sort of friendship.

design notes.

  • Codi isn't very tall, at only 5'8 ft, but he does have a pretty muscular build.
  • His hair is always tied in a messy side bun. It's only ever down when he sleeps or is drying his hair, so not many people see it like that.
  • He dresses fairly casually, always just in a t-shirt, jeans, and usually a jacket. His wardrobe is pretty cool earthy greens, grays, and browns.
  • He has freckles! They're pretty faint, except in the summer. He doesn't like them that much.