
Depths: Ocean Floor - Yume 2kki OST


Name Remnant
Age ??? [ADULT]
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species ???
Height 7'9
Birthday October 16th
Eyes N/A
Sexuality Demisexual
Occupation Assistant
Role Supporting Character


     Thought to be a specimen matching BYTE's species, The [REDACTED] Corporation sought after and revived Remnant, cloning him from fossilized remains on a dead planet. Realizing they were incorrect, Remnant was to be executed and discarded. But with enough convincing, Azalea was able to convince her higher ups to spare and even hire Remnant as her personal bodyguard and assistant.

     Remnant is an aquatic creature, breathing through the water supply that constantly circulates through his body. As such, he is mute, and is fairly fluent in sign language. He's rather calm, collected, and accepting of his mistaken existence. None of the Corporation's scare tactics make him budge, but he will only listen to his sole friend, Azalea. One day, he will help her escape.


  • Azalea
  • Ocean Depths
  • Saltine Crackers
  • Midnight Ambience
  • Books


  • Physical Repairs
  • Brutal Heat
  • Sudden Loud Noises
  • Tests
  • The [REDACTED] Corporation