- Felix



1 year, 11 months ago


“What, running out of time?”

26, he/they, 1.70cm, heart

Felix is, for the most part, a carefree soul, he takes life lightly, trying their best to live without too many worries.

Their power is time manipulation, being able to slow it down, pause it or speed it up around him. It has an area of 30 meters, anything out of it will not be affected. He can keep it up for a maximum of 2 minutes at a time, being able to use any of the manipulations during this timeframe, after the time is up, he has a 5 minute cooldown before he can use a manipulation again. When an enemy is stronger than him, the time effects won't affect them as much, making it much easier to break free from this.

He's quite agile, taking pride in his running abilities since he’s very fast. He doesn’t fight much, mainly because he has not trained his power a lot, more so because it was the very thing that took away his brother.

His brother is William. They used to be close when they were younger, but when Felix developed his powers their family decided to split them, focusing on the son who was “naturally better than the other”. Felix never understood why they got separated, as he always saw him as his equal.

Felix met Halo first. They both were in a fighting game and ended up as rivals. Felix quickly learnt that Halo was much stronger than him, and was fascinated by the way he fought with such anger behind his hits. He knew there was a story behind it, so he tried his best to get to his good side, safe to say, it worked, as they are very close friends nowadays.

At one point, Felix found out about the human world due to Halo’s carelessness, since he left the portal open close to Felix’s house. Halo made him swear to never tell a soul about it.

They’re a kind soul, he will always try to search for the best in people, oftentimes leading to him being either manipulated or in bad situations. Most of the time, he doesn’t question the people around him, especially those close to him.

WilliamFelix's older brother. When they were younger, they used to be the closest of them all. Despite coming from a family that focused too much on the power they had, they never let that get to their heads, untill the day Felix got his powers. Nowadays, William does not keep contact with Felix, often avoiding him, and in the rare cases of them finding eachother, William tends to criticize them about how he didn't try to fight back for him. Felix will never hold a grudge against him, he understands where he's coming from, yet he still gets hurts from the comments his big brother does.
HaloFelix's friend.  They are very close, being one of the only friends Halo let himself have, Felix will always be happy to be there for his friend. Despite Halo's temperament, Felix doesn't fear him, he's sure his friend won't ever hurt him too bad. Felix's basically doesn't work on him, the effect will last about 10 seconds before Halo will be able to break free. On rare occasions, they have friendly battles, Halo always winning but it helps Felix train a bit without feeling worry of hurting another person.
TobyFelix's friend. Very close as well with Toby, they tend to run around town finding anything to do. Toby will sometimes ask Felix to train with him, Felix always happy to help his friend says yes everytime, despite Halo telling him to not do it without him close. They always try to have Toby's well being in mind, knowing his body is easily broken, which is why he understands why Halo doesn't want him to know about the human world. Despite this, he will never turn down an adventure with Toby, often being stuff Toby most definitely shouldn't be doing.
(Human) Toby(This is an AU, not canon to the main story. when thinking of this AU, disregard anything said above lmao) Felix's friend. Despite knowing their friend felt betrayed by his actions, Felix will never stop seeing him as their friend. Felix rarely knows what Toby is doing these days, him being in the human world while he does not go there, makes him wish things turned differently. He often feels lonely in the stickman world, as Halo is also often in the human world, and in the cases he comes back, he locks himself up in his house or runs to the nearby forest.
LucFelix's Friend. "The weird one who talks a lot of weird stuff." Felix met Luc when he found him world hoping. Luc took some time to adjust to the stickman world and its weird laws, leaving him stranded for a few hours. Felix found him, and ended up becoming his friend in those hours they spent together. Luc left them a string so he is able to contact him in case he needs his help. Sometimes he will call him just to mess around him him, which Luc doesn't stop as he understands Felix likes to be with him.
(Stickman) HilluUnknown. Felix found Hillu by chance, he saw him passing by, immedeately getting bad vibes from him. He kept a close eye to him, yet failed to see him do anything that would raise any warnings to him. He hasn't told Halo about seeing him, since he didn't tag him as a full danger to the world. 
Eclipse"The cool cop." Eclipse has in more than one chance run into Felix since he tends to always be doing stuff in public. He knows about the status with his family, as they are famous for their powerful networth, so he tends to be more lenient with his punishments when he (accidentally) breaks the law.