


6 years, 3 months ago


Lenyxa was hatched in a cave far off into the deep western mountains. She's a bit larger than life, but then again, why wouldn't she be? She's beautiful and all alluring, and you couldn't possibly tell her otherwise. She's vain and very self-centered, believing that she's really the only thing in the world worth her own time. You'd have to be an exact clone to get any sort of heart-felt attention from her, and even then, what's a copy to the original? She cares deeply about how others perceive her, and has perfected the art of bottling up her true emotions when in public view. She can play off any situation with her smug attitude and snide comments, making it seem like she isn't affected by anything you might say to her. In reality, even the smallest of things cut deep and enrage her. When out of anyone's view, she'll brood for hours on end. She can hold on to things for a long, long time.