Darlath Drako Screech



6 years, 3 months ago


Darlath is a more gentlemen brute type. But he does care deeply for his sister (Venia), that he goes out to shady areas to get some ingredients for his sister so she can make medicine and help those in need. He can also track down ingredients for medicines for others depending on the situation or the offers. He protects his sister and home from danger and strangers.

Darlath hates fleeing from fights that others are trying to start with him. Because he is not afraid to show others his power and what can do with it. The only reason why he would just walk away, is if he know you're just being a stupid weakling (like if you're smaller than him. Like Darik to Skylark), or if his sister is around. Since she hates violence.

Also lives in a lost mansion found between Howl wood and Dark Gallow (with his sister)