
" Don't ever scare me like that again. "
Name Fawn'Spirit

Former Names Fawn'Kit

Gender Female She/Her

Orientation AroAce

Apprentice Obsidian'Nose

Rank Warrior

Residence DawnClan


She has tan fur with dark brown markings, her fur is not white but it's cream, she has a dark brown mark on her forehead that only reaches down her right eye. She wears berries on her right ear. Her stomach marking resembles a heart.

None of her markings are symmetrical and she has very long and fluffy fur.

Design notes
  • Singluar Stripe on RIGHT eye. Not on left.
  • Wears Red Berries, NOT death berries. Not Optional.
  • It's not mimicked on her left eye, I know in the ref it is but I'm just kinda dumb and idk how left n right works.
  • Where she got the berries is unknown. (Erm don't click there's nothing here /srs)
  • One of her claws is shattered and refuses to grow.
  • Sometimes she hides leaves, feathers, and other light things in her tail. This is optional.

Fawn is a super sweet and caring cat who struggles with communication and opening up. Through most of her apprenticeship she tried to push herself to the limits and went as far as blocking all the members out other than her mentor so she could be the best warrior. This came with a lot of consequences and ultimately made her a strong warrior in the sense of physical, but very weak in the sense of communication and mental. Though if you're able to strike up a conversation, she is a super sweet and gentle soul. Some of her close friends know that she can be playfully harsh, if you get hurt she'll mock you or joke with you about it, but truly means no harm.

She has social anxiety within her clan, but it is possible to get through to her and become her friend. She is a bit pushy at times but overall just really scared of what may happen. She is prone to pushing people away. There are times where she can go mute but it does not last long. When it comes to battle her personality completely changes, she's more harsh and demanding and she wants to make sure that her clan is at its best and can fight and survive.

  • Moss
  • Flowers
  • Eating
  • Bugs
  • Hunting
  • Heights


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

As an apprentice she constantly trained herself, pushing herself to limits that probably shouldn't be met by such a young cat. Her mentor kind of encouraged her which didn't help with the injuries and other issues she had sustained both mentally and physically. Training at such a young age with such demands you have to meet puts a lot of stress on the mental side of things. In the long run this caused both positive and negative effects, positively affecting her physically but negatively affecting her with mentality and socialization. Because of isolating herself and doing nothing but training, she gained a lot of social anxiety due to pushing her peers away and focusing on training. She's not able to hold conversations long and often finds communication scary. Though there are a few people she was able to become close friends with and those are the only people she's able to trust.

As a young adult her previous trainings carried over and so did all the consequences. Though not training as much anymore, she still struggled with communicating. She'd gotten a bit better opening up but not by much and it is still only to the people she trusts. She's often picked for border patrol, hunting, and fourtrees meetings. Although honored to be picked for all these, she does not like hunting. It's too much effort for too little of a reward. Sadly if she eats the price she hunts while hunting she would be breaking the warrior code which displeases her highly. Even with all this she's still seem very highly by her clanmates. Being seems so highly kind of boosted her ego but not enough to get her out of her shell.

She's currently a warrior and still struggling with all the previous things, sadly it's had a lifelong effect on her. As a warrior she's much braver and she's able to put herself out there a little more, she finds talking to her clan mates a little easier and is able to make more relationships, maybe not close ones but still relationships that will help her in the long run during per se battles or conflict with other clans. She's made multiple acquaintances who have her back while she has theirs. She has a patrol group she feels the most comfortable with and is slowly getting closer to each member of it.


  • Fawn'Spirit
  • Fawn — Shy; Small; Quiet
  • Spirit — Outgoing; free-spirited; agile
  • Due to being smaller than most of her siblings, her mother named her Fawn.
  • As she got older and started to get her full Warrior name, she was gifted the name spirit for being outgoing and rather agile due to all the training.

Best Friend

" I always saw you watching me from across camp and at first it startled me a lot, I thought you were judging me, but once we reached the age where we became Young Warriors and I learned that I could open up, you proved to be one of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for and just like you, I couldn't be more grateful that we met. "


" Though I'm still warming up to you and teaching you how to be the best you can be, I find your company very nice and having someone around me to train and to help is making me realize that I don't have to be scared of my clan. You're helping me without knowing it and I cannot thank you enough. "

Old Mentor

" Though you did enable me to push myself and ruin parts of me, you still showed me that it's okay to get out there and appreciate my clan and the gifts StarClan have given us. Despite everything people say about you, you are still someone I look up to and appreciate. You are someone I know I can go to when I need to open up or need to have a moment. Thank you. "


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code by jiko