


6 years, 7 months ago


 Come on, come on! No time to laze around. Hurry up! 
January 27th
Family Maker
Chaotic Good
  • Spray Painting
  • Grooming
  • Pink
  • Berries & Sweet Fruit
  • Negative Nihilism
  • Cooking
  • Monochrome
  • Cantaloupe

Rambunctious and always bouncing around, there isn't much that can stop this boy. He doesn't care too much about what others think about him but is very protective of his friends and unconventional family.

When very young, Raspberry effectively lost his parents. He was the fourth child in a family of eight and tasked with managing both his younger siblings as well as his mom and dad because they didn't pay attention to any of their kids. They expected their children to take care of them as they grew old and had no intention of returning the favor. All of Raspberry's eldest siblings have escaped from home which forces him to be the primary caretaker. From that moment on, Raspberry could never find it in his heart to forgive his parents. All that he could see them as were two other mouths to feed who would never care if he dropped dead.

Raspberry's life changed when he first met Joule. He had resigned himself to a life just taking care of his family, working day to day to earn enough of a paycheck. One day at his job, Joule jolted into the establishment, excited and beyond pumped to be alive each and every day. The two started talking and Raspberry felt an immediate draw to this overly boisterous individual. As Joule came back to his job every day, Raspberry became more and more comfortable with him and his real, energetic personality slowly came out. Eventually Raspberry realized that he had developed a crush on him in the middle of one of their conversations. Without missing a beat, Raspberry asked Joule out on a date. Shocked at first, Joule quickly shook off his surprise and agreed wholeheartedly. Over the next couple of months the two joyfully continued dating. Without hesitation, Joule pumped to be the external emotional support that Raspberry so desperately needed. Eventually, with Joule's help, Raspberry was able to stand up to his parents and get both him and his siblings out of the house. The two pooled together resources to rent a home so that all of his family could live together. Now, Raspberry's family includes Joule.

While he still takes care of his siblings, Raspberry has been able to distance all of the younger ones from his parents and get them to live with his older siblings or himself. While helping his blood related siblings, he accidentally picked up two more: Julep and Rhys. The two had been wandering the streets alone together for two years together after having both lost their families for one reason or another. Forming a bond with them, Raspberry invited them to live with him so he could provide them shelter, food, and water. At first neither of them trusted him, but slowly they were able to feel more comfortable around him and they moved in. Now the trio are inseparable and care for each other deeply.

  • Found family trope is rampant here, if not already obvious. He supports as many in need kids as he possibly can, but decided he would never bring in any more kids to take care of since he's at full capacity to provide his current family with a solid combination of safety and luxury
  • Adores food and can eat a surplus of it. He's won tons of eating competitions thanks to it
  • No idea what type of animal he is, but some sort of combination of canine and big cat
  • His tail is excessively large and requires the most maintenance to keep it clean. When it's at peak fluff, it's almost impossible for him to avoid others snuggling with it
  • If I was to get a fursuit, Raspberry is the one who it would be modeled after




His boyfriend whom he would do anything for. Raspberry tends to be a conductor for Joule's energy, calming him down when his mania gets to be too much

Found Sister



Loves to pester her in a friendly manner, constantly upping the ante for pranks but will back down should she ever ask or show signs she's uncomfortable

Found Brother



Very protective of him, and tries to help with his surplus of fears. Doesn't know how to help him with his belief and complete fear in ghosts