Duyên Kim



1 year, 7 months ago


Look, you're wasting your time. And, believe me, you don't have a whole lot left to waste.


  • Archery
  • Flowers/Gardens
  • Brushing her hair
  • Rain
  • Music


  • Distractions
  • Being outsmarted
  • Attention
  • Bad jokes/puns
  • Tang


  • Kim tends to disguise herself as human, the only time her identity was revealed was due to the pestering of MK and his friends.
  • Despite her age, Kim's taste in music is rather modern. She seems to have a liking to R&B, Electric, and, surprisingly, Heavy metal.
  • Kim trained herself to be ambidextrous.
  • Her birthday is october 10. But, after being alive for so long, she does not care for it.
  • She has a few hidden talents, one of them being the fact she's good at acting.
  • Watching the Monkey Cop series is a guilty pleasure for Kim.
 NAME   Duyên Kim ("Kim") 
 PRONOUNS   She/Her 
 AGE   3K-4K 
 HEIGHT   5'6" 
 SPECIES   Red shanked douc 
 RACE   Vietnamese/Chinese 
 GENDER   Female 
 ORIENTATION   Bisexual 
 OCCUPATION   (retired) warrior and adventuerer 

A beautiful, graceful woman that's also sassy and grumpy on the side. This is Duyên Kim, an ancient monkey that has more than meets the eye.


Kim was gifted with immortality, and because of this, her physical appearance is unchanged. Her connections to the supernatural have enhanced her strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes and whatnot. She has learned to hone her skills overtime, and even became versatile in selected weapons (archery, swordfighting). It's also shown that she can manipulate "natural elements" in the name of attack and defense, which applies to the product of earth itself- not human creation. So... think of plants, or something.












First glance, Kim is seen as laid-back, stoic, and mostly refined. It is in her nature to do everything with grace, and after being alive for so long, she handles this perfectly; being seen as friendly and approachable. Though, this is only one side to her, as she's also shown to be somewhat lazy and sassy with those she has befriended, or may get grumpy at those who wane her patience- not hesitating to go off on someone she dislikes. Unfortunately, she has records of isolating herself after certain events long ago, coping with her negative energy by gardening an area of her own. She had grown to be unfazed of "mortal events", and because she no longer had friends of her own, this made her beyond lonely.

It isn't until the rise of new supernatural events, that Kim leaves her bubble and begins to get involved with the lives of her new (and old) friends. It's also shown that she becomes more happy as a person knowing she spent too long in a garden by herself, even showing how cheeky she also is. Overall, she may be serious and professional, but she began to relearn what it's like to have friends and fun.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna. Proin ultrices, nunc a laoreet maximus, nisi enim facilisis felis, ut tempor elit lectus nec ante.

Phasellus sed lectus sed leo consequat finibus vitae ac ipsum. Vestibulum a elementum mi. Aenean vitae nunc ante. Duis in dictum massa. Donec sollicitudin sodales sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

SUN WUKONG  (Complicated) 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.

MK  Good Friend 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla placerat, nisi sit amet fermentum sagittis, mauris augue molestie metus, vel hendrerit odio mauris vitae eros. Maecenas purus magna, sagittis et sapien ac, convallis rhoncus magna.

TANG  "Ally" 

As soon as Tang came into her life, she has a sense of dread everytime she sees him. Tang may be a smart man, which Kim respects, he has an annoying way of showing it. Tang is not so aware of this distaste, though, so he continues anyway. She remains mostly quiet around him.