
6 years, 2 months ago


Probably gonna re-write her whole bio for another concept soon

Bite my tongue, bide my time

. general

name . [Pyra Croft]

age . [26]

height . [5'9"]

gender . [transgender female]

pronouns . [she/her]

species . [griffin vulture]

orientation . [lesbian]

dob . [january 22nd]

Wearing a warning sign

. personality

Pyra is ruthless on the surface, fighting with words and fists; she never backs down. If there's anything to be known about her though, it wouldn't be her fighting instinct like one would expect. It would be her maternal influence over others. While it's true that she's known for her brutality, such brutality is only given to those who deserve it. She's the head of a girl gang that prevents bad situations from happening, and helps comfort the victims of crimes she couldn't help. As she grows and matures into the person she wants to be, she's reluctant to leave her gang behind, but knows she can do more for victims than simply beating up criminals. She's studying to be a therapist behind the backs of her girls, and one day she'll mature enough to tell them that violence isn't always the answer.

Wait 'til the world is mine

. likes

one . [Ramen noodles]

two . [Helping others]

three . [Her girl gang]

. dislikes

one . [Ignorance]

two . [Stubbornness]

three . [Sweet foods]

Visions I vandalize Cold in my kingdom size Fell for these ocean eyes

. relationships

partner(s) .

name . age . relationship description

name . age . relationship description

family .

name . age . relationship description

name . age . relationship description

friends .

name . age . relationship description

name . age . relationship description

acquaintances .

name . age . relationship description

name . age . relationship description

enemies .

name . age . relationship description

name . age . relationship description

You should see me in a crown

. history

Work in progress.

I'm gonna run this nothing town

. trivia

one . [1]

two . [2]

three . [3]

four . [4]

five . [5]

Watch me make 'em bow One by one by, one One by one by one

. credits

species by . [N/A]

character design by . [Maggotclown - TH]

adopted for . [character trade]

added value . [$0 - artwork]

character belongs to . [P0CKETKNIFE - TH]

template . [uclia - TH]

song(s) used . [You Should See Me In A Crown - Billie Eilish]