


1 year, 11 months ago




I'm wisp, just like you.
Pronouns She/They
Species Batpony Alicorn
Special Talent N/A


Wisp is a culmination of lost wisps that never found their way over many years. Primarily containing the wisps of various late ponies, her body manifests as a bat alicorn. She finds her purpose in other wisps that litter dark woods or areas of loss.

When approching a wisp, she either welcomes them into her being to finally have a place to rest and no longer be alone, or guides them to find their way, helping them move on and finalize their last will or need.

Appearance and Personality

Wisp is a dark blue batpony alicorn with a long tail, curved horn, and pointed ears. her eyes are a piercing teal with a dark sclera. In her wings and mane, one can see the many wisps that reside in her being.

Wisp doesnt typically speak very much, but when she does it is always in a very calm, whispering tone that almost seems to echo with multiple overlaying voices. Their mouth appears to be de-synced from the words coming out of it. Wisp is extremely stoic and speaks in short, concise phrases. It is not easy to excite them in any way. Their presence is generally very solemn.

  • They can be seen tirelessly searching for lost wisps during the most spiritual hours of the night
  • During the day, Wisp usually retreats to shadowy groves to become dormant. If they are ever around while the sun is out, they are difficult to see as they appear very misty.


Clarisse Litespelle

A forest witch Wisp had been seen by on multiple occasions while roaming the groves. She likes to strike up respectful but curiosity filled conversations with Wisp. Wisp doesn't mind these chats, but doesn't say very much in general. Clarisse is a trusted friend and ally to the wisps, her aid gratiously accepted when needed. They rarely hang out casually, but that doesn't mean Wisp hasn't stopped in from time to time.