


1 year, 8 months ago


  • JackieĀ 
  • Head mistress of the Lucky 7 Casino, this retired racer is no stranger to housing those in need. Reffered to as 'Mother Tanooki', the stone-faced bouncer practically rules her gambling house with an iron fist, ordering around her goons and covering her tracks. Whenever you decide to traverse into the kingdom of Sarassaland, be weary of the Tanooki's keep..., otherwise, you may kiss your coins farewell


  • Ā āœ°Nameāœ°Ā  Jackie NoirĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Nicknameāœ°Ā  Mother TanookiĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Ageāœ°Ā  Some hundread years or soĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Genderāœ°Ā  GendervoidĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Pronounsāœ°Ā  She/Her/It/ItsĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Sexualityāœ°Ā  Non conformingĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Speciesāœ°Ā  Human/Tanooki HybridĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Occupationāœ°Ā  Casino BouncerĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Residenceāœ°Ā  Sarassaland KindomĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Religionāœ°Ā  NoneĀ 
"You've gambled it all..., and yet..., you continue to lose. Have you learned nothing?"Ā 


In her prime, Jackie was one of MKLive's greatest champions. While nobody was entirely sure where Miss Noir had come from, it was still no secret that the imprint she left behind on the racing industry would never be forgotten. Her great success behind the wheel allowed for her to make renovations to the rules, ordering for the addition of gliders, and suggesting the idea of personalized kart combinations. Adored by many, Jackie's continuous efforts would lead for fans of MK Live to ask for more, but to their dismay, the red-head would eventually retire to seek her own pleasure.

During her departure from the racing industry, Jackie had helped to watch over a prototype bot by the name of 'Scoots', a surveillance unit that had also joined the scene of MKLive. This was how Jackie had earned her title as 'Mother Tanooki', being the one to teach Scoots to quell their outburst and see life for what it was truly worth, Once that same bot was deactivated, the distraught mother would go on to form her main gain of 7 rogue racers known chillingly as 'The Lucky Seven'.

Someday..., she'll seek venence on the one who took Scoots from her..



  • Ā āœ°MBTIāœ°Ā  ENTJĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Alignmentāœ°Ā  Neutral NeutralĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Brain Dominanceāœ°Ā  LeftĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Emotionāœ°Ā  Poker FacedĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Outlookāœ°Ā  Don't bet it allĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Beliefāœ°Ā  He who gambles it all never truly had anything important to himĀ 
"Careful..., your opponent is cheating..."Ā 


Miss Noir always seems to strike others as untrustworthy. Afterall, why would you put your good faith in the same woman who founded one of Sarassaland's most notorious casinos with a reputation for con artistry~? In truth, its not the casino that is at fault, rather, the patrons that cheat for their earnings. Jackie, herself, has never cheated a single customer- and would much rather die than rob a man of his fair share of earnings. What the crimson Tanooki prefers, best, is to serve as the casino's 'Red-Flag', always warning inhabitents not to drink themselves into a coma, or rob their opponents from a game they themselves lost. To this day, Miss Noir continues to await for somebody to truly suprise her..., eother through sheer honesty or shocking generosity.


Positive Traits

  • Very nurturing to those in need
  • Won't allow customers to get dangerously hammered
  • Has the patience of a saint
  • Calm and collected
  • Motherly
  • Intelligent

Negative Traits

  • Resting bitch face
  • Prone to overshooting her shot
  • Falls victim to misunderstandings
  • Can be cruel on occasion
  • Harsh lectures
  • Never knows when to truly give up


  • Pattern recognization
  • Reading lips
  • Reading emotions
  • Keeping control
  • Humanity
  • Giving security


  • Lightning
  • Loud shrills
  • Cheap liquor
  • Her kindness being taken advantage of
  • Admitting her flaws
  • Grief
"You can't cry over losing the game..., there will always be anoter chance."Ā 
  • Ā OptimistĀ 

    Ā PessimistĀ 
  • Ā RudeĀ 

    Ā KindĀ 
  • Ā PeacefulĀ 

    Ā ChaoticĀ 
  • Ā PlayfulĀ 

    Ā SeriousĀ 
  • Ā CreativeĀ 

    Ā CopierĀ 
  • Ā LethargicĀ 

    Ā EnergeticĀ 
  • Ā FollowerĀ 

    Ā LeaderĀ 
  • Ā BraveĀ 

    Ā CowardĀ 
  • Ā InsecureĀ 

    Ā ConfidentĀ 
  • Ā IntelligentĀ 

    Ā UnintelligentĀ 
  • Ā WiseĀ 

    Ā MindlessĀ 
  • Ā ForgetfulĀ 

    Ā MemoriousĀ 
  • Ā ImpulsiveĀ 

    Ā CautiousĀ 
  • Ā NeatĀ 

    Ā MessyĀ 
  • Ā CuriousĀ 

    Ā UninterestedĀ 
  • Ā ClumsyĀ 

    Ā GracefulĀ 
  • Ā PatientĀ 

    Ā ImpatientĀ 
  • Ā LiarĀ 

    Ā HonestĀ 


  • Card games
  • City Music
  • Neon lights
  • Family time
  • Parties
  • Drinking (in regulation)


  • Betrayal
  • Liars
  • Being given too much credit
  • Paparazi
  • Things staying the same
  • Revealing too much about her past


  • Attending live theatre
  • Collecting old novels
  • Tarot cards
  • Pottery
  • Learning new langueges
  • Bartending


  • Flying
  • Gambling
  • Card tricks
  • Racing (Though, not as much anymore...)
  • Hiding her emotions
  • Social interaction
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."Ā 


  • Ā āœ°Hair Colorāœ°Ā  CrimsonĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Eye Colorāœ°Ā  Mint greenĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Skin Colorāœ°Ā  TanĀ 
  • Ā āœ°Heightāœ°Ā  5'7Ā 
  • Ā SkinnyĀ 

    Ā LargeĀ 
  • Ā CurvyĀ 

    Ā FlatĀ 
  • Ā FrailĀ 

    Ā MuscularĀ 
  • Ā GroomedĀ 

    Ā MessyĀ 
"I won't lose. I refuse. Not again."Ā 


Miss Noir always tries to keep herself well dressed, her hygeine skills being almost unrivaled. Prefering to wear her long hair in a messy bun, Jackie enjoys decorating herself with little headpieces her casino goons bring to her. A long time ago, when she used to watch over a young child who she considered her own, she was brought a stray robbon from the manor they hailed from. After the child's passing, shes been yet to take it off. The uniform Miss Noir wears is similar to the rest of the casino worker's..., but the difference with her own waistcoat is the flashy spiral pattern around her hips. Jackie dawns this unique pattern as if to show her authority over the rest of her workers, signaling to the patrons of her gambling house that she runs the establishment. It only helps Jackie keep order more by having 4 ears-!

Link to Reference

Scoots: Adopted Child

Ā My Little Spark...

I miss you.


Lullaby: Adopted Child

Ā I will protect you..., always

Discovering the stray traveler who had seemingly run off from home, Miss Noir couldn't help but have been reminded of a much simpler time when yet another stray had come to her for refuge. Almost immediatly having taken Lullaby in, Miss Noir will stop at absolutely nothing to ensure nobody who seeks to pursue the young artificial will never harm them again. She can't afford to lose another son.


North: Right Hand Man

Ā Together, we will rule this casino!

One of the first recruited into 'The Lucky 7', Jackie can't help but fawn over her little relationship with the feline, putting her best faith into the second in command of her squadron. Always offering to help, the mistress wishes nothing more than to see North lead a happy life outside of their hidden mafia..., alas, duty calls.



In her prime, Jackie was one of MKLive's greatest champions. While nobody was entirely sure where Miss Noir had come from, it was still no secret that the imprint she left behind on the racing industry would never be forgotton. Her great sucess behind the wheel allowed for her to make renovations to the rules, ordering for the addition of gliders, and suggesting the idea of personalized kart combinations. Adored by many, Jackie's continuous efforts would lead for fans of MK Live to ask for more, but to their dismay, the red-head would eventually retire to seek her own pleasure.

During her departure from the racing industry, Jackie had helped to watch over a prototype bot by the name of 'Scoots', a surveillance unit that had also joined the scene of MKLive. This was how Jackie had earned her title as 'Mother Tanooki', being the one to teach Scoots to quell their outburst and see life for what it was truly worth, Once that same bot was deactivated, the distraight mother would go on to form her main gain of 7 rogue racers known chillingly as 'The Lucky Seven'

Someday..., she'll seek venence on the one who took Scoots from her..

Present Day

As of the present, Jackie leads her mafia with an iron fist, commanding workers to guard the casino with her life. Long retired from racing, Jackie works hard to protect her dear little 'Lullaby', a stray artificial who had come to her for refuge..., just as her first child had. While it pains her to relive the past, Miss Noir knows damn well where all these refugees are hailing from..., and thus, continues to form a plan against the one who keeps mistreating their creations.
