The Masked Stray



1 year, 8 months ago


The Masked Stray

Name:  The Masked Stray 

From: Puebla, Mexico 

Car:  ’55 Chevy Bel Air

The Masked Stray is a Brown Wolf with an appearance of a Stray Aspin that escaped the pound as his stage persona. He is the type of being that thought of the world in one of the most daring points of view. Before he even drove his dangerously iconic Bel Air, he started pulling off his stunts on a regular bicycle at the age of 12 before pulling off his stunts on his skateboard as a sideline type of performance.

At the age of 17, The Masked Stray started learning how to drive a BMX Motorcycle, and his career started when he got invited to one of the biggest daredevil circus in Mexico. This was the day The Masked Stray came out to the world with his iconic mask. Of course he was the type of person who does not reveal his identity. And nobody knows who he is except his stepbrother Miguel Rav, who knew what he looked like since they were little, but promised never to tell anyone about it. And never did he say a single word when interviewed. His voice was, you guessed it... Miguel Rav.

At the age of 24, The Masked Stray would then take a step further with the 1955 Chevy Bel Air he got from his Uncle when he was 18, and tricked it to look and perform like the Bel Air that Hoonigan's Jon Chase used, also known asthe Tri 5 by Fire Bel Air. This of course got a lot of recognition from the crew in social media.


The Masked Stray's Chevy Bel Air inspired by Hoonigan's Jon Chase.

In 2021, The Masked Stray would start a YouTube channel and FurPiks page with Miguel Rav called "The Daredevil Boyos" and would constantly post stunt contents. Whether skateboard, bikes or motorcycles; but their most iconic videos involve their cars.

And just recently, they would end up travelling to Great Britain as their first destination of their "Around The World" Daredevil Tour, where they also stumbled across the Horizon Music Festival and got invited to become the Showcase for November 2022's Horizon Friday.