Fern [main sona!]



1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info






      Fern - she/her
            Half-fox, half-kitsune
(also, my fursona! but she has a lot of separate lore)

Being raised a magic-user raised in a kingdom where magic wasn't accepted as something 'real', throughout her childhood she got a great interest in trying to prove that it actually exists. Therefore she still has a fascination with magic of all sorts, and continues to study it and knows a lot about it!
Plant magic is what she specialises in, however she can still perform every type of elemental magic

She also works as a magic or curse doctor of sorts, healing curses and fixing unwanted enchantments and the such. It's not something needed too often but also not easy to come by, so she does have regular business

Since she's a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, she has a lot :)

- Magic is what she mainly looks at. Since biologically she's more geared towards plant magic, that's what she's the most comfortable with, however she is able to perform spells of any element (some easier than others). Most of her other interests come to compliment it too:
              - Biology (especially when it comes to magical creatures + organs that store magic)
              - Chemistry (as the magic in the air tends to react similarly to some chemicals, so she uses them as reference)
              - Alchemy

- Physics. It does interact with magic but she also just- generally likes physics bc of how stuff works.
- She knows some self-taught engineering and likes to take stuff apart

- She's incredibly socially awkward
- Super emotional- and since the state of her magic is reliant on how stable she feels that's a bit of an issue
- Can talk for hours if you let her but if you seem at all uninterested she feels awkward and slowly fizzles out
- Overthinks and looks at the small details, but sometimes misses the most obvious things
- Likes packing for every possible scenario but somehow always forgets the most obvious thing

Small magic notes:
Her magic functions somewhat like a 'pool', when she uses magic, she drains part of the pool. It automatically fills up over time. However, when she uses too much magic, she gets really tired and can even go unconscious (think of this as the body making sure she doesn't use any more, as the pool is almost empty, and if it's completely empty she can die)
It can't overfill since her body (especially those lil floaty wings) naturally drain it, unless something is blocking her magic. In that case if it's too full

Since her body isn't fully kitsune, her body isn't completely used to functioning with magic. This would be ok if she regulated it growing up, as she's not the first magic user ofc, but since she mostly hid it her body wasn't really designed for it so the way her magic functions is now permanently unstable :)

If she gets too emotional (mostly negatively, however high positive emotions can affect it too) the magic loses stability. This means that when she casts a spell it's entirely possible for it to be super powerful and use up way too much magic, making her tired and vulnerable. Her magic can also leak out and cast various things to match the emotion, especially when frightened. For example, her getting terrified something's gonna hit her and a force field materialises to protect her

Bonus that she can size-shift slightly, something developed from a kitsune's ability to shape-shift. She can only do it slightly at will, but when feeling strong emotions it happens by itself sometimes before magic instability (eg. she gets bigger when angry or smaller when scared or shy)

Also her little floaty wings shapeshift into whatever, but the 'default' state in a sense is the little wing form! Usually she turns them into larger wings to be able to use them to fly, or sometimes into extra hands for convenience.

Element wise she is pretty evenly spread at how good she is at each form of elemental magic, however plant magic is what she's best at :)

Google doc I made with some info :)

It's unfinished and some things in the magic notes do rely on worldbuilding info so just don't mind that!! I can explain it some other time-