


1 year, 7 months ago


You adored me before, oh, my good looking boy.


[ About ]


Lydia used to be the somewhat known singer from the band BLACK STATIC when she was younger. Singing about her feelings and dressing in funky clothes was all she could've ever wanted and she got herself quite a fanbase through that. Sadly she somehow vanished after a few years until nobody seemed to remember her. Not much is known about the reason as to why she had suddenly disappeared without any trace but it is believed that she left the music industry for her education.

Now she's working as a hairstylist at her own popular hairdresser. Nobody really recognizes her, either because she looks too different or simply because they don't know her from back then. But she enjoys the gentle aura of having another life and working a nice job. She finally has the time to dive into her other interests like making other's hair. Of course the singing will always be a part of her and she misses it to some degree but she wouldn't change anything if she could.....she keeps telling herself that at least.

BLACK STATIC was an escape from the world and its people for Lydia. The bright lights and flashy clothes were everything she could've ever wanted! But fate didn't plan for anything to stay the way it was. She thought with her heart instead of her brain and trusted her father to work as her finance manager. They did not have a good relationship in the past but they got closer once Lydia started her music career. Little did she know that he would run with her money and leave her behind. It should have been obvious to her that something like that would happen and yet it still broke her.

[ Personality ]


  • cooking
  • chokers
  • electric guitaring


  • being recognized
  • coffee
  • sleepless nights


She used to go absolutely wild on stage and everyone seemed to love it! But the years changed her. The bubbly and fearless rock queen turned into a calmer, more collected version of herself. She's still pretty lively, the hair salon wouldn't be the same without her guidance but her friends often catch her staring out of the big window when it's break time. They worry but Lydia insists that everything is fine, everyone is allowed to daydream every now and then, right? Her ears move with her moods which means they're mostly up! She's very happy where she's at right now in life, even after everything that happened. Of course sometimes they flop down but everyone has sad days.

[ Basics ]

PRONOUNS she/her
OCCUPATION Hairstylist

[ Story & Trivia ]

Lydia loves a lot of different kinds of music, she'd never be able to decide on one genre but she sure has a favorite musician! Victor Whitlock, world famous rockstar who managed to climb his way to the top in no time, the man who played music on a flying piano in front of thousands of people without safety measures, a sly yet cheerful artist who won the hearts of many. He's a real catch! Lydia has been a fan of him as soon as his music got popular and she's been loving his stuff ever since. Facts which have made the moment of him walking straight into her hairdresser even more horrifying. His hair stylist was stuck in the crazy work traffic and wouldn't make it in time for Whitlock's LA concert (which Lydia and her colleague Avery were just about to close the hairdresser for). The singer's postive personality and careless actions have driven him to find a solution: the best rated salon in the city, for every kind of hairstyle and quick working! Lydia went right to work after a minute of almost fainting. She couldn't believe this was happening!

Whitlock was very pleased with the way his hair turned out and offered Lydia and Avery a ride to the stadium after they told him they were just about to leave for the concert. The singer found interest in the salon and it's owner and asked for Lydia's email, much to her surprise. After that they departed behind the arena with a "thank you!" from Whitlock and a "I'll be in touch!". Both girls were pretty sure all of this was some kind of weird fever dream but Lydia received a message from him a few days later. His old hair stylist quit on him, saying he and his age can't keep up with the rock 'n' roll lifestyle anymore and that it's time for him to retire- which meant Whitlock was on the search for someone new who'd have the guts and strength to do his hair! Lydia was perfect for the job after their last encounter and Whitlock made her a really great offer she couldn't refuse.

[ Relationships ]


Avery Dempsey

Lydia and Avery have been besties since fifth grade and are still going strong. Once Lydia suprisingly gained success in the music industry, Avery decided to stay by her side and help her through difficult times. Lydia struggled a lot after her musician era, depression and being fooled by her own father dug deep into her soul but Avery kept pulling her out of her thoughts and made her keep going. They're still best friends and spend a lot of time together. These two dumbasses love to talk about the latest music tea, meaning that Victor and his music are often a topic they love to discuss. It's just silly rambles but Avery loves to gush over "Victor's cute manager friend".



Lydia and Eddie are sort of frenemies. Eddie being Whitlock's manager and best friend means he has a LOT to deal with and hiring new blood all of a sudden, is part of that! He eventually begins to like her (after some nagging from his friend) and they team up to create the perfect look for their boss. They might not see eye to eye every now and then (literally, Eddie is shorter than Whitlock) but they're a pretty good team when they have to be. Eddie may or may not randomly picks Lydia up when Victor needs someone to quickly style his hair and it's a pain for both of them.


Victor Whitlock

Lydia and Victor get along very well. Their dalliance is something the rest of the team loves to rumor about but both of them insist there's nothing going on! They sometimes meet up for lunch, with or without the team, go shopping together (with Eddie of course) or drink something at a club! But that's just friends/colleagues stuff, right? Lydia likes to think so! Getting invited by the rockstar every now and then just means that he wants to show his gratitude for accepting the job! Avery would love to punch Lydia straight in her gut for her excuses but watching them dance around each other is way more fun.