Maphei's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ashen Global Rules

9/22/22: This is something I've debated on for a while but I'm finally adding it. Complete redesigns are no longer allowed! Keep the design recognizable. Any designs already completely redesigned are fine as they are right now but any future unrecognizable redesigns are not permitted.

1/17/22: If you decide you no longer want a design of mine and don't know where to send it, feel free to send it back to me! I will not be offended no matter why you're sending it back, I totally get it :) I just don't want my designs to rot ^^'


Regift and/or retrade! This includes any freebies designed by me :)

Resell at a ridiculous price! Use your judgement; I don't mind if you got the character as a freebie and resell it, however if you take a free character I designed and put it up for 40$ when it's obviously worth way less, I will blacklist you.

Resell at a fair price! This includes freebies designed by me ^~^

Move offsite if it's on TH! I want to keep track of my designs. 11/2/22: Clarification; reuploading to another site for back-up purposes is fine, but removing the character from TH entirely, or changing ownership on another site but not TH is not allowed ^^"

Redesign to an extent, don't completely rework the design

Give a design of mine to anyone on my blacklist (no one yet, haha)

Give the character away without notifying me, I don't mind c:

Do weird things with my designs!! Don't make my design a nazi or racist or homophobic etc etc etc. Just don't.