Amadeus Al Eneru Sekhet



1 year, 7 months ago

Basic Info


long and variable. Can make human/centaur legs or just leave a tail.


Toshiyuki Morikawa - TOKYOPIEA


Welcome to where dreams come true. Tortuga is a name familiar to people, and when you see the capital in full, you will guess why it bears this name.

Ruler, showman, philanthropist, misanthrope and other buzzwords. He prefers to call himself simply Divine. Although our king has a small god complex, and in the country he set up his own cult of personality, no one complains (if there is someone left to tell). Eneru loves attention therefore, he often arranges concerts in the capital, and maybe you will have time to attend several.

Amadeus founded Tortuga and became its permanent ruler. It is impossible to take it by storm, because no one outside the city knows exactly where it is. A takeover is also impossible, because the army loyal to the regime monitors security. Tortuga travels around the territory of the Kingdom. The ruler himself often leaves it, more often to go to the Council. Eneru is a member of the Union of the Seas, as one of the defenders of the general peace in the ocean. Little is known about his past, and everything goes into theory and speculation.

Eneru is not averse to spending a fortune on clothes, trying to look dazzling by wearing gold. He thinks that he looks great in any clothes, even the most ridiculous ones. Amadeus is a nasty, petty bastard, rich ass, cunning and shrewd, he took over the kingdom by staging a revolution with his close "friends", who later became generals of his army. Eneru scatters the lives of his subordinates at the behest of his hand, caring only for his army. The regime in Tortuga is totalitarian control, for guests this is a heavenly place where you can spend a lot of money and get almost everything you want in the water and earth kingdoms. Most in this capital are casinos and holiday homes. The main amusement attraction of Amadeus is his Colosseum.

Amadeus has the power of energy, but he himself is not going to fight. It is difficult to drag him into battle, unless it is as a prize to the winner of the Colosseum.