


1 year, 7 months ago


lynx !

name: lynx
nickname(s): pixie,
species: canine
breed: golden retriever
pronouns: they / them
gender: agender
age: 19 years
birthday: mar. 20th

they bite


soft-spoken guileless impulsive

extrovert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


rocks, jewelery, story telling, pointy things, sleeping, sweets, flannel pants, & just flannels ( but mostly flannel pants )


guns, water / being wet, yawning, the cold, strawberry cake / ice cream ( they try so hard to like it ), most veggies

lynx is silent, reserved. they primarily keep to themselves, mostly due to the fact their entire body is riddled with neverending social anxiety. despite this, lynx is actually pretty friendly and quite enjoys connections with others. they prefer these connections heavily to solitude, as it's far less lonely this way.

they are rather nonconfrontational, particularly in regards to themselves- being a bit of a pushover. they're a little over-forgiving, giving others one too many chances than they typically deserve. however, once it comes to their close friends, it takes one wrong move to set them off- and though they are a rather soft being as is, their words can become pretty heartless.

while it does take a rather long time for them to become comfortable in a particular situation or around others, once they are comfortable its hard to make them uncomfortable, especially when it comes to their friends.

underneath the silence, lynx is extremely exciteable. from getting excited over seeing one of their favorite person (very likely, happens very frequently. catch them squealing at the door when you come over then immediately deny it) or having the chance to talk nonsensically about next to nothing. idk. they just like others.

and talking. a lot.

silly do-dads

  • loves to call others by petnames and nicknames of most sorts; "dear," "sweetheart," "darling," "love," etc. does swipe petnames from others to use very frequently
  • can understand and somewhat translate german; speaking it is a whole other story
    • they have tried. they are not angry enough
  • they have a tendency to say "your mom" when it isn't necessary; on that same hand they like to make excellently calculated sex jokes
    • also makes terrible dad jokes on the daily. finds them hilarious
  • when sad they can hardly talk about their feelings straightforwardly (is that a word?) and instead makes jokes about the way they feel
  • lynx overworks themselves. frequently. burnout and compassion fatigue is a real thing and they go through it every 2 to 3 business weeks /lhj
  • loves loves loves going on adventures, especially out in nature where there's a great possibility of getting lost
    • they vehemently deny it, but they enjoy physical activity. hiking especially

design notes


163 cm


73 kg


lithe; little muscle



  • design note.
  • design note.
  • design note.
    • subnote, elaborate on design aspect above.













lynx absolutely loves miel with the entirety of their being. and lights up like an excited puppy whenever they see him. all the time. every time. without fail. also miel i hope you are okay with becoming a pillow /lh

they love finding little do-dads (such as a little carved soapstone bear) to gift to them in metaphysical shops or little antique stores.

oh and they really . really like to listen to them talk. can and will listen to him talk for. for hours. could absolutely watch him talk for hours too. do you think it's obvious how whipped they are yet? have i made it obvious?

ah!! ah ah ah!! they also love giving them kisses :3 do i write more words or condense this . words make lix's brain go brrr

also they steal miels clothes. does lynx have their own wardrobe? yes. do they still lowkey live out of miels closet? yeah.

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#how do i
#how do tag ??