Bog Monster



1 year, 6 months ago



Name: Bog Monster (Bog, Monmon).
Friends often refer to her as “Mud Puppy”.
Gender: Bigender (he/she).
Age: 25.
Height: 4’10.
Birthday: 10/6.
Sexual orientation: Unlabeled, doesn’t know.
Profession: Bog monster.


Monmon is skittish, distrustful, and overwhelmingly naive. Having lived in a swamp her entire life, she’s oblivious to normal society and all of its weird rules. Living a simple life, Bog Monster has known nothing else but the wetlands that surround them.

Now, imagine their surprise when a major residential development starts being constructed nearby! Their world is turned upside down in a few short weeks, having seen more people in less than a month than they’ve seen in their entire life. Worst of all: people are so scary! A shake of his tail and slow blinks are met with terror, and he’s had cans or half-eaten wrappers thrown at his head!

“Bog Monster” is what they call her, and while she doesn’t recall ever having a name before, she figures this one suits her just fine. Finally having gone on the offensive, meeting Bog these days is full of hisses and flat-toothed biting. Being so small, nobody really takes her seriously- which just makes the biting worse.

Likes: fireflies, stars, lights, the sound of crickets, fresh flowers, mud, fish.
Dislikes: people, being touched, perfumes, clothes, most “people food”, humid heat, litter.

Extras: Monmon’s teeth are flat like an axolotl, so instead of chewing, he grips his prey hard and sucks it down in one swallow. This makes his bites non-threatening, much to their endless anger!