Cornelio "Lio"



6 years, 2 months ago


??? (Latino)
Cello Player

Lio is the kind of person that comes off as shy and distant. With his long body, his covered face and the fact he rarely look someone in the eyes, he's seen as a very reserved person. He doesnt talk much except if needed. He thinks a lot that he will fuck up things and doesnt want to get in the way of others. Hes really unconfortable with his body and how others perceive him, making it hard to open up to others. His childhood was really hard to him and he still need time to recover and heal.
On the other hand, he's very calm, once he's alone or with someone he trust, he tends to analyse things pretty easily and understand how other act. He likes to observe others and learn from them. People underestimate him because of his shyness but he has a lot of ressources, he's very motivated and focused on his tasks. Also he can be extremely honest, if something has to be said he will do it if no one else does. As a whole he's someone that listens a lot, trying to understand and be here to the ones he cares for. He will reveal his pations and love for music if he feel confortable enough with others and probably will talk about it a lot. 

♡ Playing cello
♡ Aarnik
♡ Classical and jazz
♡ Intimacy with his partner
♡ Playing with his dog

♡ Going in places like forest, etc
♡ Strawberries
♡ Autumnal colors
♡ Receiving cute texts

× Being judged
× Crowded places
× Insincerity
× His body
× Getting off the bed too early
× Feeling useless, miserable or powerless
× Having to deal with unbearable clients
× Not finding clothes his size


this might change in the future

[tw suicide]
Lio always was tall, even as a kid. He never like his heigth, which caused him issues. Kids bullied him when he was young, calling him weird and ugly. He started to have a lot of self-confidence issues, on how he perceived himself and even skipped school a lot. At some point he got diagnosed depression. His everyday life was hell to him but he didn't know how to escape from this. He felt like he was a burden to his family and wished to end his life more than once. 
At the end of middle school, he discovered music and especially cello, he was in love with the instrument and asked his mom if he could take lessons. His mom, seeing an opportunity for him to maybe make friends or having a hobby to escape said yes and that how he started to play. Playing music helped him to realize many things about himself and gave him hope. He learned that when he played he was really focused into what he do that he feels like everything around fades and ithe world is only the cello and him. He decided that once he has money he will buy his own cello.
Once he ended up highschool, he went to uni but dropped out pretty quickly. He felt to guilty that he left his homes as soon he had a job. During that time his relationship with his family was complicated, each party didnt understand the other. He found a job in a jazzy bar, at first he was anxious but he wanted to push himself out of his confort zone which helped him in the end. It made him meet many people that will help him. When he moved out alone, he adopted a bernese mountain dog called Cacahuette which he loves dearly. 

× He has a moon crescent tattoo on his back and thinks about getting a new one
× He's nicknamed "Lio" by Aarnik but "Coco" by his family
× He started playing cello at 15 after going to a classical concert
× He worked in the bar for two years now
× Hes also very close of his coworkers
× He has a soundcloud where he posts his original pieces and his arrangements, Aarnik also help him making his covers
× He looks like his mom a lot but she's very tiny
× He dont plan to continue his studies atm but he likes learning, school as a whole is still too big of a trauma
× He's unsure about his sexual orientation and talk about it sometimes to Maria or Aarnik
× He's actually very sexual with his partner
× He hang out with some of his coworkers time to time and they sometimes play music together
× He sometimes snaps out and instead of keeping his opinions to himself, he just tells his mind to the other(s) when he feels too pushed
× He has hard time to find clothes that fits him
× He tends to judge people rly quickly because of his past but he knows thats not a good thing to do
× While he has some hard days, he seeks for a recovery and he tries his best to not fall back into his bad habit
× He blushes REALLY easily

Aarnik. Significant Other
They met at Lio's work. Lio totally had a crush at first sigh but he wasn't confident at all and thought it was a lost cause. His friends helped him dealing this and pushing him to talk to Aarnik more. They were good friends for a long time. He ended up being the one asking them out. Now, they help him deal with depression and everything and Lio is so thankful for their relationship. He kinda wanna propose to Aarnik... maybe later....

Coworkers. Friends
Met them when he started to work. TBA
Maria. Friend
She just popped into Lio's life one day. They get along and talk a lot online. She sends him weird hentai stuff.

Cacahuette. Dog
Cutest dog, she's very loyal and a good companion. She's a great helper during times when depression strike, making him got outside or making meals. She loves to sleep next to Lio, feeling safe with him. After, he was the one that gave her a family for the first time and she knows he wont leave her... 
A family of 5 including Lio. He get along well with them but there was a communication issue for a very long time. He's the oldest and has 1 brother and 1 sister. His parents likes to tease him because he's easily embarassed

Cello Teacher Acquaintance
A very nice old woman that taught him music and was actually a great listener to his problems. He still sees her time to time and she continues to teach cello.
Name. Acquaintance

That one dude. Enemy?
A dude met during the rehearsals. He really suck and he likes to annoy Lio. Lio isnt scared to sass him tho.

Coding by RubyFeather