Five Dollar Hobo (Squid Hobo)



Five Dollar Hobo | Male | 5'0 | Inkling | Neutral


No one knows his actual name, not even him, refers to himself as 'Hobo' He's a pretty cheerful guy, and will randomly give other people gifts of whatever he's got on him, despite not having a whole lot to give. He loves making small talk with people and light conversations. Gets a little anxious when talking about deep or serious topics. He will not accept any other currency or bill that's not five dollars, he counts in five dollars, that bottle doesn't cost 10 dollars! You donut, that costs two 5 dollars! Lives in a cardboard castle he built himself under a bridge. Part-times as a bus driver and a conveniently-placed NPC


He's always lived on the streets, or so he says, he doesn't remember a whole lot in his old age, except for Ten Dollar Granny, he loved her as much as he loved five dollar bills (which is a lot, he loved her a lot) But there was just one small issue that kept them from having their happily ever after. See Ten Dollar Granny, was much like hobo in a way, she only ever counted money in 10 dollar bills. They were together for a while, but their money issues just got too much to handle! How dare that woman ask for ten dollars! She wouldn't accept his two five dollars either! Realizing they could never truly be happy with each other and this blaring, obviously nonnegotiable issue, they split up on went their separate ways. Hobo still loves her though, and wishes all the best for her, he was even the best man at her wedding after she found someone else. He never found love however, and never truly moved on, he hasn't seen her since the wedding, and lost contact with her a few years later. He misses her deeply and is always wondering about her.