Natsuki Masunka



6 years, 3 months ago


《 Basics 》

× Natsuki Masunka ×

 Kk | Nat

 Female | 16 | 4'5 | 89lbs | Human

WIP | Angry | Moody | Talkitive | Strong | Mean 

× My furbies are my babies. ×

( theme_by_doki_dirk-dc47u8s.jpg )


× Overview / Back story:


× The fact she has anger issues leads to her being introverted, as she doesn't make friends much. She confides in her brother, an "inspiring clown" as he calls it, who's used to her issues, and they often play pranks on people with her donked up furby obsession.

In detail: 


× Personality:


× Angry, Mean and Cheerful. 

In detail: 

× Natsuki is your classic, angry tsundere (haha wink) but she will kick you in the balls, don't test her. She doesn't talk to others much, being overwhelmed in her work she's usually tired and snappy.

■ Speech:

× Has a thick chinese accent, stutters, when she's angry however, also being unable to make complete sentances.

■ Afflictions: 

× Has horrible anger issues, slight bipolar and is half blind in one eye.

■ | Affliction 1

Annoyed by the smallest things, prone to lashing out for no reason.

■ | Affliction 2

Can't ever find a good side.

■ | Affliction 3

Can't really see to a poor surgery.

■ | Others: 


《 Others and Extras》

■ Physical Description:

× Dyes her hair, though being yelled at for doing so, very short and muscular.

Other Notes:

× Works out every other day.

■ Abilities:

× Very sTRONK

× Very good at communication.

× Very good at doing hair.

| Ability 1: Can punch you into a wall.

|Ability 2: She's used to take orders.

| Ability 3: Self explanitory

■ Extra and Misc. Facts:

▪ Good dancer

▪ Spaces out a bunch

▪ Loves her yellow boy..

▪ Hates heat

Accessories / Inventory:

■ Showy outfits
■ Whistle 
■ Knife
■ Small red furby