
1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info

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💜Name: nova

💜Nickname(s): novey, nov(anything else U can come up with when/if we rp)

💜Gender: Female

💜Species: Nightfury

💜Father: Dead

💜Mother: Dead

💜Sibling(s): Unknown

💜Crush: None

💜Mate: None

💜Hatchling(s): Ophelia(@//light_the_demon_fury on insta)

💜Trainer/Rider: None

💜Likes: She likes being around others shes close with

She loves flying around at night

💜Dislikes: Humans



Man made things



💜Personality: she loves being with any of her friends tho she doesn’t necessarily like making new ones

She’s not the nicest of the bunch but when she gets used to u and has a good bond with u she’ll protect u with her life

She’s adventurous

💜Habitat: She lives in a cave in the middle of a island

It had waterfalls and trees with a river that runs into the ocean

💜Fun Facts: She loves wearing a kind of paint that’s called “war paint”. It’s not really only used for battles or war but she just likes to paint her face it’s one of her hobbies. She thinks it’s really cool

💜Food: She eats fish

💜Abilities: Shes able to go into “Death Mode” which means her purple scales and eyes turn to red

She’s very dangerous when she’s like this

She’s out of control when she’s like this

‼️Her design is now made by on Instagram‼️