


1 year, 8 months ago


Lich was born in the ethereal realm of Motharia, a mystical land inhabited by an ancient race of moth humanoids known as the Hesperites. From a young age, Lich possessed an innate affinity for dark and forbidden magic. While others in his community focused on harnessing their brilliance to create light and protect their kin, Lich yearned to explore darker depths and understand the mysteries of necromancy.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and thirst for power, Lich delved deep into forbidden texts and arcane rituals that had long been shunned by his people. He honed his necromantic skills clandestinely under the cover of nightfall when no prying eyes watched him manipulate shadowy energy. With each passing day, he grew more obsessed with unlocking secrets that only death could provide.

However, such unquenchable desire came at a price. As Lich dabbled further into his studies, he began losing touch with his own kind-hearted nature as darkness seeped deeper into his soul. His once vibrant wings turned blackened like charred ashes while glowing red eyes replaced the shimmering hues they once held. Driven away from Motharia due to fear from those he called family, Lich roamed alone through desolate lands where only despair thrived.

With time, rumors spread across neighboring realms about 'The Fallen Moth,' tales whispered in hushed voices amidst flickering firesides at dusk. Stories passed down generations painted him as both misunderstood hero and feared monster – one who commanded legions of undead creatures with chilling precision but retained some semblance of goodness within.

Now wandering aimlessly through a world plagued by hardship, loss, and seeking redemption alongside understanding within himself; whether salvation or ultimate damnation will be found is yet to reveal itself under these somber moonlit skies...