Haruna Kohaku



1 year, 6 months ago


Haruna Kohaku

AGE 22
GENDER Trans Woman (she/her)
BIRTHDAY October 6th
SPECIES Fox Beastkin


Haruna Kohaku, legally Haruna Mutsuki, is the heiress to the Duodecim's Mustuki family and the Duodecim in general. She is the daughter of Kagura Mutsuki and one of his many flames, being born a bastard child. Due to her hatred of Kagura, the Duodecim, and having been rasied by Hibiki Kohaku, she labels herself as a memeber of the Kohaku family.

Haruna is somewhat of a free-spirit. Residing in Yabiko's NOL Branch, she is often found wandering the streets at night finding for something to occupy her. Despite rarely attending classes, she is a graduate of the Military Academy but refuses to enlist as an NOL soldier due to her disdain of the Library. She comes off as stand-offish and cool to most, but past her facade, she is loud and quite lively.




Haruna, as an infant, was left at the doorstep of the NOL Branch in Yabiko. Upon one of the Imperial Guards bringing the child to him, Kagura then realized the situation at hand: He had impregnated one of his many groupies, and this was his child. He responded to the news with a prompt pouring of his strongest liquor, followed by panic. He was way too busy to be taking care of a child with his current status. That, and what would be of his role as the leader of the Mutsuki family? He was an embarrassment to the Duodecim and to his family name. He left to his quarters to think, handing over the responsibilities of childcare to his servant, Hibiki Kohaku. From then, Hibiki was Haruna's primary caretaker, raising her well. Hibiki essentially became her father, with Kagura becoming absent from her life and shrugging off the role of father once seeing how successful Hibiki was at it.

As Haruna grew up, she came to despise her father and the NOL. She might've had a biological father that loved her if he wasn't a big shot in the military, and due to his absence, she didn't even get a chance to learn who her mother was. Hibiki played his role well, but nothing could change how she felt. She loved Hibiki, however. He stepped up and made sure she grew up healthy and loved. He slowly grew to resent Kagura as well, however due to his status as a member of a Mustuki branch family, he continued to work for him. He made Kagura know how much he messed up every chance he could, telling him that he gave up every possible chance to not be hated by his daughter in favor for his work. Kagura regretted this, but no matter what he did to try to rekindle any relationship with Haruna, she would never change her mind. She was ok with that, though, as she saw Hibiki as her true father, taking his last name rather than Kagura's.

Military Academy

With his best interest in mind, as well as the societal pressure due to her title as the heiress of the Duodecim as a whole, Hibiki enrolled Haruna in the Military Academy. He knew that she didn't want anything to do with the NOL, but she had a responsibility due to her status. Her enrollment was met with a lot of arguing between Hibiki and Haruna, but she eventually gave in and agreed to attend.

Haruna's time at the Military Academy was unpleasant for her. Due to being the bastard child of the Mutsuki family, many of her superiors treated her simply as a stain rather than a heiress. She would've been fine with that fi it didn't result in utter mistreatment from almost all staff she ran into. Because of this, she began to skip classes, not making many friends during her time as a student. However, due to school staff fighting with her about school dress codes, she met Rosetta Carmine, an underclassman who was welcome to give Haruna her uniform's skirt in exchange for her uniform's pants (which were tailored for beastkin, a modification Rosetta would have to make). The two bonded, forming a strong friendshp throughout the time they shared at the academy. Haruna developed a school-girl crush on Rosetta, never being able to confess to her however due to the destruction of Kagutsuchi followed by Rosetta dropping out from the academy. Haruna continued her time at the academy up until her graduation. Once done with school, she attempted to forgo any and all association with her family name and the NOL.


Haruna still lives in the NOL Branch with Hibiki, spending her time bar hopping and flirting with women she manages to run into. She enjoy's shopping, utilizing Kagura's incredible wealth to fund her life and it's expenses. Upon one of these nights out, she managed to run into Rosetta again after years of assuming she had died, seeing her as "the one that got away." When she's not purusing the streets of Yabiko, she's at home spending time with Hibiki and warding off Kagura's attempts to try to start being a good father to her 22 years too late.



Kagura Mutsuki [ bio. father ]

Haruna holds severe hatred for Kagura. She sees him as a deadbeat and someone who can't keep his dick in his pants. She tries to avoid talking to him at all cost, and if she does talk to him, she lets him know that she hates him. She loves his money, though. That's it.


Hibiki Kohaku [ adoptive father ]

Haruna loves Hibiki as a father. She sees him as her real dad. He's always been extremely caring towards her and showed her what real familial love was. She loves his cooking, and takes every chance she can to eat it. He can be a little strict with her, but she accepts it. Hibiki's still trying to build her up to become a worthy heiress of the Duodecim, but he would never say that.


Mizuki [ bio. mother ]

Haruna wishes she could get to learn more about her mother. However, Kagura is the only one who really knew her, and he barely even remembers her. Another reason to hate her father. One day, she will meet her mother.


Rosetta Carmine [ friend (WB), love interest ]

Haruna thinks of Rosetta as someone so much better than herself. While they are close friends (as well as have the occasional night together in bed), she can't help but love her dearly. Whenever she thinks about her, she gets butterflies in her stomach. She would never confess this, as she worries that if Rosetta were to see past her act that Rosetta would think she's too eccentric for her. As for now, she savors the moments she spends with Rosetta, whether they be platonic, sexual, or maybe even a little bit romantic.

code by 00Ishikawa00