


6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

♫ Name ♫ ::


♫ Age ♫ ::


♫ Gender ♫ ::

Male (he/him)

♫ Species ♫ ::


♫ Nature ♫ ::


♫ Characteristic ♫ ::

Scatters things often

♫ Ability ♫ ::

Cute Charm

♫ Moves ♫ ::

Wake-Up Slap, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Sing




Seeing Ginji without a smile on his face is a rare occurrence. The first thing this Skitty does in the morning is walk around school and say hello to anyone he runs into. He'll happily chat it up with someone who looks lonely and doesn't discriminate between when it comes to socializing. He's clearly on the optimistic side of the spectrum, always keeping his head up no matter the situation and encouraging others around him to do the same.

This boy is always ready to lend a shoulder for his pals to cry on. Whether it’s listening to a rant or offering validating words, Ginji will be there for you. He tries his hardest to understand other people’s problems even if he’s never experienced them firsthand. 

Ginji is a bit of a busybody, holding down several volunteer and part-time jobs while also attending after school clubs and sports meetups. Part of this is because of his confident nature-- if he sees something he wants, he's going to go for it, no matter how exhausting or how minimal the reward seems. The other part is because Giniji actually loves working up a good sweat-- it makes him feel productive and accomplished. The only downside is he never seems to sit still. If you want to hang out, you'd better explicitly ask him, because otherwise you might not see a trace of him for the whole day. He ain't stoppin' for no one.

Ginji is not timid or soft-spoken by any means. He says and does what comes to mind almost completely unfiltered and has no problem keeping himself composed in tense situations. However, this boldness also makes him impulsive. He dislikes giving anxiety a chance to control his decision making, and therefore brute forces through his (sometimes conflicting) feelings before he starts thinking too much. His inability to slow down before he acts makes him prone to doing or saying the wrong thing.

Ginji is the type that can’t just walk past someone struggling to carry a ton of grocery bags on the sidewalk, even if they’re a complete stranger. He loves to offer his help to other people-- no matter how small the task is, it’s likely that Ginji will drop everything to assist you if you ask. He enjoys being a sort of stable base for people to depend on.
Although he doesn't mean any harm by it, Ginji can sometimes push his suggestions onto other people. Intensely. He's the type of person who barges into his sick friend's house and makes them do a bunch of home remedies. Asking him for help with homework can turn into him doing practically the entire assignment for you. If people don't take his advice at face value and later end up with a problem that could've been prevented by listening to him, he'll never let them hear the end of it. But in an amazingly hypocritical manner, Ginji also won't follow advice that he thinks is wrong until it bites him in the ass. Ginji can take a hint, but getting him to lay off completely can be a difficult task, especially if he thinks you can't take care of yourself.

Whether casual or serious, Ginji loves a good contest. He puts his full effort into everything and enjoy himself most when the opposing side does the same.

Despite trying to convince himself otherwise, there are still a ton of things about the world that Ginji doesn't know. He has trouble recognizing that not everyone's problems can be fixed with a couple of encouraging words and a pat on the back, and can be quite overbearing with his pep talks. His lack of knowledge of the lower class can lead to him offending the very people he is fighting for, though this is the very last thing he intends to do. He'll try to deny it all he can, but inside, Ginji has a bit of a savior complex.

Ginji...can be a bit of a prick. Although he likely won't be outwardly hostile, he can get huffy about minor things he views as disgusting, like chewing with your mouth open, or not showering. If it really bothers him, he may see it as a reason to avoid you completely. And when it comes to certain topics, Ginji can't stand to be around those with drastically different views and lifestyles than him. As soon as he discovers someone believes in something he thinks is wrong, he'll say, "Oh, that's nice," before excusing himself and dropping out of that person's life. Even if they were previously the best of friends, Ginji will never be able to view that person the same way again. He holds grudges very easily with these folks.

Despite himself, Ginji can get snippy fairly easily, especially around people he already has even a slight dislike for. You are unlikely to see him showing attitude towards undeserving offenses, but the wrong words can send him on tirade. Ginji is not one to back down from a perceived challenge and can go back and forth all day. Should you choose to argue with this boy, your only reward will be a brimming headache.

  • one of those cursed adhders who does a bajillion things at once to keep themselves busy, yet somehow has a perfectly coherent schedule.
  • really good with kids 

somehow i will find an active rp group for him //sob