Frankie Nieves



1 year, 11 months ago


Francisca Garcia


Nicknames Frankie

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 21

Nationality Salvadoran/Mexican

Birthday July 23rd 1966

Height 5'5

Playlist Frankie & Guy

HTML Pinky


Frankie is an intern at her local police department. The whole internship turned out to be a massive disappointment, as she doesn’t see any action and is essentially just a secretary. It was pretty boring until the department was told that they’d be participating in a trial run for a public service android. His name was 012. Over time she noticed that like her, 012 was treated like an assistant and didn’t really get taken out on calls like he was supposed to. For some reason, that made her feel bad for him. Frankie decided to try and have a conversation with him and it went surprisingly well. Since then, she has been spending a lot of time with him, teaching him slang, pop culture and even showing him her favorite novels. He’s a great listener, something that was severely lacking in her life. It seems like the more time goes by, the more human he becomes.



She loves cats, but her apartment doesn't allow pets.

Romance novels

She gets made fun of for it but she loves reading them.

Cute stationery

Most of her office supplies are cat themed or have cute colors.

The rain

It's relaxing to her.


Her co-workers

They're pretty rude and sexist.

Action movies

She find them boring and prefers romance.

Being excluded

Being an immigrant, she's always felt like an outsider. Anything that reminds her of that fact upsets her.

Being bilingual

It might seem like something that's useful, but she's constantly mixing up her words. She would much rather just speak one language very well.





Guy (012)


Frankie loves talking to Guy. At first, being friends with a robot was a little weird, but he's surprisingly human. Guy's always asking her questions and trying to do romantic things for Frankie, which she finds to be very cute. She knows Guy's pretty fond of her but she believes his AI just THINKS he likes her because of all the romance novels he's read.