Cameron Gale



1 year, 6 months ago


Cameron Gale
  • Air
  • Venerations Union
  • cityname

Full Name Cameron Gale
Gender Male

Nickname Cam
Alias Hermes

Element Air
Weapon Gun
Personal Story

Detachment from reality being his favourite state of mind, Cameron floats along life being the epitome of a silent, cocky bastard, his life curated around a philosophy that effort is a precious commodity that must not be wasted on anyone but himself and his family.

Due to the environment he was reared in, he has developed a habit of being disrespectful, blunt and at times extremely inappropriate. This is especially applicable to his demeanour when at school, being a part of ‘that’ group of people at school. However, even so, he does not hold many people at his school (_ Academy) in high regard, feeling as though it is just a waste of time and energy, usually just sitting back and listening to music.

As soon as the digital bell rings for the end of school, the day for Cameron really begins, having to rush back home for work.

Working as the messenger for the gang, “Venerations Union.”, Cameron acts as their ‘Hermes’. This job is essentially their mailman, zipping around the city to deliver all goods, consisting of cybertronics, drugs, information and any other messages that can’t be communicated over tech. Of course, as with all jobs, there are downsides, with work consisting of three key factors. 1. Deliver the Goods 2. Don’t Get Caught 3. Don’t Die. The three ‘D’s. Due to tensions with other gangs and the law enforcement, Cameron must steer clear of all threats that may want to intercept the package. Because of this, Cameron decided on getting cybernetic enhancements early on, replacing both legs and his lungs for better speed and stamina.

Towards those he does not know, Cameron is quite ambivalent, upholding the basic levels of social etiquette and talk casually with those around him. Whilst for many it may seem that he is a quiet, calculating type, his mind often wanders to other less logical things, sometimes being less than savoury. Acting somewhat standoff-ish, Camerons demeanour is completely different around those he knows, being far more cynical yet also more open, expressive, more passionate about he speaks about and being far more animated. Avid collector, at any crime scene or big fight, he is usually there with a camera, taking a picture and object as a memento. Thus far, he has collected over 50 different objects and nearing hundreds pictures of various incidents that have occured throughout the city. Interested in the social politics of the gangs of the city, Cameron often sneaks around to differing areas of the city, to take a peak into how the cogs in other gangs fit together.

In his free time he usually does parkour around the city, jumping from rooftops to other buildings, music blasting at 100%. Given two pistols as a present for his birthday, Cameron has started to train with them, usually training by himself to save him from ridicule from his brothers. Much of the traits which he has picked up mimic that of his brothers. His other hobby in his free time is trying to hit on whomever takes his fancy. Perhaps out of spite for not being able to hold meaningful relations, due to his own lusting or even for his own amusement, whenever a nosebleed worthy individual walks past (provided nobody he knows is around) he may try and strike up more than a conversation with them. Of 100 attempts, there were no successes. Other than this, the rest of his time is spent sitting on rooftops with a cigarette, wasting the hours.


Allows Air user ability to fly.

Manipulation of Air and Winds

Allows Air user to manipulate the magnitude air and winds.

Manipulation of air/wind direction

Allows Air user manipulation of air/wind direction.



Description of outfit.

Totam unde and consequat eu so anim yet fugiat. Ipsam. Consequatur incididunt iure explicabo aperiam illo. Nequeporro ipsum so eaque si and tempor. Dolore. Aperiam laudantium amet elit. Consequuntur adipisicing aperiam magnam fugiat inventore quae.

  • info 1
  • info 2
  • info 3
  • info 4
  • info 5
  • info 6

Veserunt suscipit. Vel officia aute and sint yet anim so ipsum. Lorem ullamco quisquam. Quis enim ex unde. Minim sequi ab. Totam nequeporro or dolores for incidunt so totam but veniam. Fugiat omnis so laborum aliquam. Si nequeporro. Amet. Laudantium corporis architecto, and qui.

Item 1

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 2

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 3

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 4

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Item 5

Description lorem ipsum. Give a brief description of what this item does, what it looks like, etc. Can be a short or long description.

Name // relationship

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.

Name // relationship

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.

Name // relationship

Describe the relationship here.

Quae perspiciatis yet voluptas nequeporro ut consequat and culpa. Beatae. Numquam fugit for beatae, aliquid for nequeporro ullam eu. Inventore labore and laudantium or ab and ad. Tempor qui or error, or laborum or labore, and totam, or sunt.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dignissim, erat non euismod lacinia, ante felis convallis lectus, quis convallis mi tellus vel nulla. Integer maximus ut augue nec consectetur. Vivamus auctor, nisi nec bibendum pulvinar, ex arcu dapibus felis, nec gravida ipsum justo eu ipsum. Curabitur id lorem sed ante hendrerit interdum. In eu porttitor est. In nulla ipsum, blandit varius massa et, cursus porttitor risus. Cras imperdiet tortor vel augue laoreet, sed vestibulum purus consequat. Nulla id dictum nulla. Nam tristique felis et felis semper convallis. Nulla quis ex sapien.