Mashizha Pekoe Hyson



1 year, 7 months ago


Character design trade got from Sori-eminia on Deviantart

Original link

This character is based on "Tea", and the wonderful name is also given by the creator/designer

Below are the descriptions written for this character by the designer:

"    - Puffer jacket is made of giant teabags
    - Trousers represent bubble tea
    - Teabag pockets
    - Hair the colour of berry tea
    - Skin was meant to be the colour of chai, but ended up a bit off (oh well)
    - Boba bracelet (again, bubble tea-related)

Credit to my dad for the absolutely wonderful name! Explanation below:
- Mashizha is the Shona word for leaves. Shona is a Bantu language used by the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
- Pekoe refers to the age of the leaves. Tea made of older leaves is lower-quality, while newer leaves (called first-flush) create higher-quality tea. Pekoe is a category meaning the tea is made entirely of first-flush leaves, making it (to my knowledge) the highest-quality grade. The Pekoe category is then subdivided into orange pekoe, flowery orange pekoe, etc. I think pekoe is also a subcategory of the larger Pekoe category, but I'm not sure.
- Hyson tea, from China, is also known as Lucky Dragon tea. It's a type of green tea made of young leaves that are rolled up very tightly which then unfurl during brewing. Other methods of rolling green tea leaves are used for gunpowder/pearl tea and imperial tea. "