Sikhel Gaitya



1 year, 6 months ago


Sikhel Gaitya

Noble (in spirit) • Chivalrous • Dragon Slayer In-Training

Sikhel Gaitya
8 Sweeps (18ish)
Female (She/Her)
Troll (Rustblood)
Knight of Blood
Speakes yn ye euld tongue

"Art thou yn duress, milady? Allowe me to assist!"

Some say that chivalry is dead. Well, Sikhel Gaitya would be the first one to rebuff you, and in the politest way possible, thank you very much. Though essentially the furthest thing from a noble herself, Sikhel certainly plays up the part of the noble knight assisting all of those through the land (is it any surprise that she absolutely loves Donnie Qihote?). Whether her demeanor is all truly an act or simply a role that Sikhel chooses to fulfill is up for debate, but since it's not harming anyone, does it really matter?

Sikhel is an adventurer first and foremost, and one that loves to play the hero. She is always going out to make and bring back more stories to her beloved, with whom she shares an 'estate'. That's what she'll tell you, anyways. Despite her wild tales, she doesn't seem to actually venture out far from her woods, and has become somewhat of a regular occurance among the scattered woodspeople. Always off slaying some dragon or saving another princess, that one...



If Sikhel had things her way, the world wouldn't be nearly as boring as it is today. It would be filled with fantasy and wonder, imagination and magic serving as the medium from which all your deepest desires and favorite fantasies could run free, growing beyond your wildest dreams. Technology, which is oftentimes confusing and scary, would be phased out by more advanced magic powering everything- no more Alternian energy crisis! Harmony could finally be achieved because everyone would contribute to society in the way they were able to and wished for, not in the way that society deems 'necessary'. Sounds like a whole lot of fun, no?

Sikhel has always fancied herself in her head as a valorous knight, taking a stand against the evils of the dark trying to corrupt the world. Now that she's older, chasing a fantasy narrative like that certainly seems rather silly, but the core tenets of being a shining force for good in a world dominated by evil still very much live on inside of Sikhel. She's always prided herself on her ability to be helpful and of assistance whenever possible, so it's really no surprise that Sikhel's dream is truly just to help the people she can with her own two hands. It's just like her- simple, straightforward, and super phenomenal.


SHINING ARMOR CHIVALRY: Donning the armor isn't just a display of status or occupation, it's also an oath to keep your charge safe and defend it whenever necesary. That's the very first rule of Chivalry, and anyone who doesn't know that much clearly isn't worth Sikhel's time. While there are a truly grueling number of rules to get through, the most important one is the last: "Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil". If you happen to somehow find a problem with that statement, Sikhel's going to need to have a word or two (and maybe a duel) with you.

DRAGONSLAYER DAMSEL: Sikhel's been bracing for the inevitable since she was very young. Her Salamander (the mythical creature, not the amphibian) lusus would lull her to sleep with stories of knights and dragons, and as such Sikhel has been extra resolved when it comes to fulfilling her duty as a protector of the land. Though Sikhel hasn't yet been given an oppotunity to put her fine swordsmanship skills to the test, she's sure that once the need arises she will be ready and waiting to leap into action and save the day. In the meantime, how about a friendly duel to keep your skills sharp?


  • Sikhel holds her tail to sleep at night when her girlfriend isn't around.
  • She doesn't own a palmhusk and doesn't really know what 'the internet' is. It's probably for the better.
  • Sikhel is well-practiced with the sword and it's her main weapon, but she is also a polearm master of most varieties.
  • Armor is surprisingly flexible; dropping, rolling, and running away has been an escape tactic since far before the empire ever got here.
  • Sikhel is Feral, and it manifests in her increased strength, tail, clawed hands, and (mostly decorative) protective scales across her face and hands.



Arelia Eldric [ Bewitched Beloved ]

Arelia is Sikhel's entire world. without her, life becomes duller, feelings feel emptier, and purpose lacks meaning. It's great, then, that the two are in a portrait-perfect matespritship filled with unconditional support, active communication, and genuine affection. Take that, haters!


Mirian Sweney [ Spelunking Scoundrel ]

Hardly anyone ever wanders around to Sikhel's part of the woods, so when she saw a jadeblooded stranger attempting to enter the Forbidden Cave, Sihkel knew she had be the one to put an end to the tomfoolery immediately. Unfortunately, Sikhel's warnings fell on deaf ears, and Mirian went charging in first opportunity.

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