
6 years, 3 months ago


My pretty legendary MYO Dextro babe from the most recent MYO event that Lunathyst held for Valentines day, gotta decide on her name at some point this week. Thank you so much for the opportunity Luna! Got two more uncommon slots, so I might make this pretty lady a little family

Trait list updated on 6.20.2018 to her updated traits to cooincide with the recent update to the Dextro trait sheet

Region;; Desert
Eyes;; Pure
Horn;; 2 crystal legendary
Tail;; common
Fins;; Draped legendary
Baubles;; moon rare
Fin placement;; legendary still I think, added a cape type deal for her but I'm not entirely sure if it counts as shoulder fins or neck fins since i was trying to go for them attaching at the base of her neck

Old trait list, please refer to the above!
Region;; Desert
Eyes;; Pure
Horn;; 2 uncommon
Hair color;; 3 colors legendary
Tail;; common
Fins;; Draped legendary
Baubles;; moon rare
Fin placement;; legendary

Dextroluma are a closed species (c) Lunathyst you may not make your own!