Aero Reinhardt



6 years, 4 months ago



Name [Aero Reinhardt]
Age [26]
Build [Tall, lean]
Species [Human]
Gender [Male]
Oreint. [-]
Corruption level [7/10]
Occupation [Messenger]
Cor. Name [Wind dragon]
Origin [Ethis]
DoB [May 29]
Height [193cm]
Demeanor [Cheery, friendly]

  • Design based on an air dragon
  • Assigned flower: Gardenia/Cape Jasmine
  • First concepts drawn summer 2017
  • Number: 027-3

Aero is a cheery, slightly clumsy messenger. (So basically an oversize carrier pigeon) Thanks to his wings and the ability to control wind, he was trained from a young age to swiftly carry packages and letters from place to place. It's much harder and more stressful than you'd expect, most of his deliveries are international, usually for less developed countries who'd panic if they saw a drone delivering instead. This, however, is perfect for Aero since his dream is to travel and explore the world. As of right now, he's stuck at home to look after his younger brother. When he's not working he's still likely outside, flying around. His only indoor hobby is playing the piano. His goals as of now are to keep his family afloat and hopefully get his parent's out of debt. And also to help his brother Martin achieve his goals.


Aero is a happy-go-lucky type of person who always sees the good in every situation. Mainly because he tries to cheer up the people in his surrounding. Though when alone he's quite the opposite, which is why he avoids solitude. He's somewhat of a people-pleaser as well and often goes out of his way to help others at the expense of his own well being. It's really hard for him to say no. He's also unable to ask others for help and often blames himself for things he can't control.


He went to a specialized school for winged people starting from a young age. Later he changed to a regular highschool, which was where he met Wren.


Like mentioned before, he has some sort of wind magic. Meaning he can create winds and direct them (to some degree). He's clumsy at it, however, and often creates too strong winds which can lead to bad weather. It's very helpful while flying since the tailwind gives him an extra boost. Otherwise, it's pretty impractical for normal daily life. Wind also follows him around when he doesn't want it to, meaning he has to be very carefuly when inside a building.


  • Talking to people, meeting new faces
  • Flying around and exploring
  • Playing the piano

  • Solitude
  • The fact that his physical corruption is growing slowly but surely (e.g he's starting to grow scales on his face and arms , his fangs seem to get more noticeable)

Martin Reinhardt | Half brother

As his older brother, Aero is very supportive of him and always looks out for what's best for Martin. The two are quite close and share their love for music. They often play instruments together.

Wren Kathlen | Best friend

Wren is his best friend from high school. They share similar interests and have been through a lot together. Aero always admired his cool attitude and unwavering confidence.

Zara Godfrey | Friends

Aero met Zara on one of his many delivery trips. He had to navigate through a bad thunderstorm and broke his wing in the process, to which Zara was luckily there to help. She is very affectionate towards him (like with all of her patients) which makes him quite nervous but he still tries to remain cheery.

Robin Kathlen | Boss

Aero has a part-time job at Robin‘s adoption centre (a shop selling birds) Aero heard a lot about him through Wren but otherwise they don‘t know each other on a personal level really.