Nakir Leigh



1 year, 8 months ago


Nakir Leigh

Nakir/Mr. Leigh






Priest in training






Nakir is a kind-hearted seminarian (priest in training) that was adopted by the Testament church when he was a baby. Despite his anxious nature, he tries to help anyone he can if it's possible. He wants to prove his worth to everyone so he could become a real priest and help more people.

No one knows where he came from since the church found him abandoned on their doorsteps all those years ago. However, a certain few in the church know about his true nature; something that he doesn't even know about. His soul is marked by a demon after his birth mother promised to sacrifice her first-born child. The priests that know of this, including the one that originally took him in, Father Leigh, are trying to cleanse him without raising his suspicions.









  • Soft textures
  • Praise
  • Charity work


  • Loud noises
  • Being scolded
  • Corruption

Because of his environment, Nakir is an anxious soul. It's to the point where he's grown up to be a selective mute. However, his good nature still shines brighter than ever. He's the type to put others needs over his own. If he thinks about himself, he'll believe he's being selfish. His low confidence stems from a religious guilt engrained within him since he fears being seen as corrupted. A people pleaser to a fault.


The Contract

There exists legends of people selling their souls to demons in order to get their deepest desires. However, these deals always have a great cost. For a young woman that desired breaking free of her suffocating life, the price was dire. For the life she always dreamed of, she had to sacrifice her first child to the demon. At first, she thought nothing of it because of her desperation, but when it came down to it, she realized what she doomed this innocent child of. She had the husband of her dreams and when she was expecting her first child, she had to think of something to save the baby.

When the baby was born, the woman didn't have much time left. She wasted no time taking the newborn and dropping him off the only place she thought he'd have hope in. The Testament church. Little did she know that the demon already marked the baby's soul, so it didn't matter what happened. Still, she left without a trace and the priests living at the church woke up to the sounds of crying. The church greatly sympathized with the baby and immediately took him in. However, the head priest, Father Leigh, saw something horrifying. While the baby was sleeping, the demon manifested and put its hand on his chest, eternally marking his soul. Father Leigh vowed to save this baby's soul anyway he could.

This baby grew up to be Nakir. Father Leigh and the other older priests hide the fact that a demon claimed his soul, but they put him through intense religious teachings.

The Cleansing

Growing up in a church is an interesting environment. Because of the dark origin that brought Nakir here, the priests raised him with strict routines to make sure he didn't fall into corrupted hands. It's a suffocating environment filled with praying, chastising, and control, but it's all Nakir is used to. Though, this treatment does isolate Nakir from everyone else. He feels like something is wrong with him, but he doesn't know what. Despite this treatment not being his fault, he wants nothing more than to prove himself to everyone in the church. It's why he wants to become a real priest. In his mind, a priest is the ultimate pureness he could reach.

The Demon

When Nakir reached adulthood, Nakir was allowed certain "freedoms." He could reach books Father Leigh allowed, he could listen to approiate music, and most importantly, he could do charity work for others. He often volunteers at the food bank owned by the church, where he enjoys seeing new people, even if he rarely talks to them. He definitely feels a sort of envy when he looks at people enjoying their lives, but it's an emotion he can't explain properly. All he knows is to act pure.

However, in his first and only "rebellious" act, he went behind the other priests backs to do his own mission. He took in a demon named Acheron. He didn't tell anyone because 1) he fears they would try to hurt Acheron and 2) this is his first chance to show how much he's grown. Acheron wants to cleanse his soul, so Nakir wants to help guide him to the path of righteousness. When Acheron is fully cleansed, Nakir will tell everyone what he did and bask in the praise he believes he'll get. He does feel guilty keeping this a secret, but chances like this don't happen every day. This must be a sign from god.


  • Is a selective mute with a slight stutter
  • He likes singing, but only will do it in private; it's his favourite way to vent out his emotions
  • Is socially awkward; limited knowledge of things like internet and entertainment culture
  • The types of entertainment he can enjoy (such as books and music) are heavily monitored by the others in the church
  • Extremely repressed gay man; he doesn't even know being gay is an option for him, that's how sheltered he is
  • If he feels like he messed up in any way, he tends to drop everything and pray the rosary in private


Acheron [ friend/pupil ]

Nakir originally thought that Acheron was a harmful being at first, but now he nows that the demon is someone in dire need of help. He's taken Acheron in his care in order secretly in the hopes that it will prove his worth to the others in the church. Nowadays, Nakir greatly enjoys Acheron's presence and he's the first real friend he's had. It motivates him more to help Acheron out!

Father Leigh [ caretaker ]

Father Leigh is the head priest at the church, and has become Nakir's adopted father since he's the one that first found him. He's one of the only ones that knows about the demon claim, but because of that, he's become strict on Nakir for the sake of "cleansing." The last thing he wants is for Nakir to fall into corruption, but he has accidentally engrained a fear within the young man that will be hard to recover from.

Andras Floquet [ conflicted ]

When Nakir thought Acheron was a harmful spirit, he called Andras to help exorcise him. After finding out that Acheron means no harm, it was too late and Andras showed up. Despite trying to convince Andras that the demon was good, the demon hunter lingers around both Acheron and Nakir to tease them. Nakir is wary of him, but wants to make him a better person. Andras is adament that Nakir is wasting his time devoting himself to religion, so they're always at odds with each other.