Deryn Briar



1 year, 8 months ago


NOTE: I've not named the dwarf in their backstory yet

Deryn had never cared for rules. From a young age they were already stealing food from stalls, sneaking past guards into restricted areas and really just doing anything they felt like. Some past friends of theirs would go along with them and whisper things like “i bet you cant grab that guy’s coin purse without getting caught” and they would snatch it and use the coins to buy candy for everyone. Deryn was quickly able to build up their skills as a thief, learning to break into homes, pick locks and leave no trace. They were always a little clumsy and that never truly changed. They’ve been caught many times for smaller crimes and it usually resulted in a beating/scolding or them running away frantically. Their mother was very disapproving and hated that they kept stealing unnecessarily. 

After much trial and many errors, they realized that even though they are clumsy, they are also very clever and perceptive, so while they might struggle to impulsively pick a pocket, they excel in planned robberies, taking in every detail to determine when the best time to strike would be. Deryn’s mother found out about these robberies after they broke into a wealthy noble’s house and stole some pricy emeralds. This was the last straw for her and she quickly cast them out, not wanting to be arrested as an accomplice. 

Realizing that there would be no way for them to hide anymore and unwilling to give up the gems, they ran away into the forest. Luckily coming across an old dwarf druid who was beginning to go blind and needed extra help, they found a place to stay. Deryn mostly did their own thing, but the dwarf was kind and they were grateful that he let them stay so they helped of their own free will. the dwarf never set up any rules for them, simply asking if he needed help but otherwise allowing Deryn to run free. The dwarf didn't keep anything valuable with him Deryn found that out pretty quickly. And Deryn hid the emeralds they stole the moment they realized they could stay in this little cabin in the woods. 

The dwarf taught Deryn many things as they lived together, namely how to live in the wild and how to care for and respect animals and the forest. How to take care of the land, what plants to eat, how to harvest them, and just how to really live. Deryn grew very fond of the woods in their time staying there, and one bird in particular, a crow. In fact, they felt more at home than they ever had before. The dwarf taught them Dwarvish, the language of his people, and they grew to also understand Druidic as they became closer to the trees and the land. They began to view the land as an extension of themself and themself as an extension of the land, welcoming everything that comes with nature, its beauty and its healing power but also its cruelty. 

Deryn learned how to hunt, and in learning so, how to wield weapons and the thorny whip that they had learned to conjure. The dwarf taught them to use throwing knives and darts to easily kill small prey and slow down larger prey from a distance. And after much time he became comfortable enough to show Deryn how to wield a scimitar. As it was a much bigger and more dangerous weapon the dwarf was hesitant to teach someone so young to wield it when he couldn't fully see to correct their movements. But in the end he was able to show them how it could be used to cut branches and wheat, and if needed, how to use it against an opponent. 

They have a deep understanding and respect for the strong, and the knowledge that in nature, the strong will survive. This sparked a little bit of a realization in Deryn, how in civilization, those who are at the top are not usually the strong, but the rich. And that irks them greatly, sparking their urge to steal once again, this time purely out of spite. They dislike those who were born into wealth and power that was unearned. 

Years after living with this dwarf, he fell ill, with a sickness that could not be cured using the magic, herbs or medicines that Deryn had learned. They were sad at first, the loss of such a constant companion and father-like figure was upsetting, but death is inevitable and a natural process that must be accepted. Deryn moved on. 

They lived in that forest for a short while longer after the dwarf passed, but eventually made the decision to revisit society, and this time to become the very best thief who lived. Not because they needed the money or anything, they were plenty comfortable living off the land, but simply to spite those who didn't deserve it and those who used their wealth to suppress and influence others. Not to mention the fact that they just like to steal, it’s fun for them to test their abilities and to finally find success after planning a theft. The adrenaline rush is nice too.