


1 year, 7 months ago


WYNDA - she/her

Lv. 05 - Shadow Tag

Psychic - Wynaut 

wynda is a lover of all things fashion. anything frilly, flowing, or adorned with bows are her favorites in particular. she personally prefers to wear feminine garments, however she has a large collection of masculine wear for her friends to borrow and try on. it always delights her when one of her pals indulge her passion by inquiring about her hobby.

dusty pinks and reds are her preferred colors, but she doesn't exactly have a disliked color. wynda could talk about the difference between orange, red and blood orange for hours, if one let her! she could rattle off a dizzying amount of names for off-white, or list different types of fabrics on the fly. and don't get her started on how black is a shade, not a color!

this wynaut has an incredible eye for detail; those ponytails at the side of her head are prehensile, and she is extremely skilled with scissors and pencils. wynda makes all of her clothing patterns by hand, and while she has quite a few sewing machines, she does enjoy the peace and quiet of hand sewing. her ideal night is a relaxed one, curled up in a cozy chair by the fireplace with some tea, reading a book about bygone fashion trends or interesting embroidery techniques.

she would describe herself as an old soul, viewing herself as having great wisdom despite her youth. if a friend has relationship troubles, you bet that wynda will be there to barge in and attempt to solve the conflict, all means necessary! she just wants to see everyone peaceful and happy, but oftentimes her advice is unsolicited.

her biggest flaw is being too fickle - fashion trends change like the direction of the wind, after all. she has a difficult time seeing the bigger picture, and will focus in on tiny aspects and greatly exaggerate their importance. this can make her quite negative for the situation, becoming angry or sad out of proportion. she has a habit of catastrophizing things, and is known for spending nights upon nights with her stomach in knots. it is the worst thing for her when she doesn't cut her fabric correctly, or sews a garment with the wrong side exposed, or if a friend seemed angry at her the last time they spoke. she is prone to outbursts or speaking out of turn.

when she is not having a bad day, is she ever jubilant! wynda has a real zest for life, a sociable pokémon with lots of love in her heart.

first heartcatch kiddo! my starter >:D

#2691-MYO (v2)


OM#758 (v1)

post - https://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=123&t=4743203&start=1050#p139672848

approval - https://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=123&t=4743203&start=1090#p139680583