


6 years, 4 months ago


Your name is POSPAN SCUTUM and you... fell asleep again.

You SLEEP constantly, mainly because you're constantly tired. 

You love MUSIC, both listening to it and making it. You believe you've got no talent when it comes to music making, but your friends tell you otherwise. PSYCHOLOGY is fascinating to you, and you love to use it to mess with others through mind games. You also love SEWING and try to make your own clothes, though you aren't too good at it. Your seams pop frequently and your fabric ends up tearing.

Your trolltag is placidDaydreamer n you have a chill way of speaking n stuff

Theme: Sleep

Name: Pospan Scutum

Blood Color: Purple [#6C0CA5 R: 108 G: 12 B: 165]

Trolltag: placidDaydreamer [PD]

Lusus: A big bear-like creature. Furry, four eyes, sleeps a lot. Randomly flops on the ground and falls asleep. Pospan will curl up into his fur sometimes and fall asleep with him. Named Beardad.

Ancestor: The Composer

Strife Specibus: Pinkind